I've read through several threads on how to interconnect with Hoobs, but it remains as clear as mud to me. Does anyone know of a detailed description on how to get them to talk to each other?
I have an Apple HomePod and will soon add a few "homepod mini" devices (just announced). I want to be able to use Siri voice control for my HE managed devices. Who has gotten this working, and is there a blow-by-blow description of getting it working?
Here is a link on how to configure MakerAPI to talk with Homebridge and installing the Hubitat Plug-in for Homebridge. Hoobs is just a packaged version of Homebridge and you should follow their directions for installing plug-ins. It's the configuration on the Maker API and the config.json on Homebridge that is a bit confusing.
I have Homebridge working on a RPi4 using this image and it works flawlessly.
That gives you a pre-built Raspberry Pi image, ready to copy to an SD card. On boot, Homebridge is running as is Node-Red. It's a great way to get started because all the Hubitat pieces are pre-installed too.