[Deprecated] Xiaomi / Aqara ZigBee device drivers (possibly may no longer be maintained)

For the most part, what a device driver does is

  1. Convert messages from a device into events for different capabilities (e.g., button, temperature, open/close contact, etc.) that apps can use
  2. Convert commands from apps into messages to send to a device to make it do something (e.g., switch on, set level to xx%, close garage door, etc.)

With just a few exceptions device drivers do not make automations or actions happen as a result of messages received from a device. An app is required to do that, by taking actions based on the events generated by the device driver.

So, in the case of the Xiaomi/Aqara Cube device driver, once it has been installed on your hub, and you've correctly paired the Cube, the only evidence you would see that something is happening is by looking at the hub's Logs window (and only if message logging is turned on for the device.)

This is what I recommend:

  1. Read my detailed tutorial on how to use the Xiaomi/Aqara cube driver.
  2. Enable info message logging so you can check that button XX pushed events are being generated when you turn, flip, and knock the cube. Log into your hub, select the Devices tab, click on the name you gave your Xiaomi Cube, turn on the toggle for "Enable info message logging" in the Preferences section, and click "Save Preferences". After that , you can go to the Logs tab of your hub, and when you manipulate the cube, you should see log messages appear for those actions.
  3. Decide what Cube Mode you want to use (refer to my tutorial for more information), and set that (also found in the Preferences section for the Cube, just like the Enable info message logging toggle.
  4. Decide what app you want to use. Cube gestures generate button xx pushed events, so you need to use an app which can use button events as a trigger to start some kind of automation. Three example choices:
    A. Rule Machine. This is a built-in app by Hubitat. For more information, look at Hubitat's documentation here, or search the for Rule Machine or RM 3.0 here in the Community Forums. It can be used to create simple to very complex automations, and is quite powerful.
    B. Magic Cube. A custom-built app by @bptworld which is just for use with the Xiaomi/Aqara cube. See this thread for details and the link to his app code.
    C. ABC (Advanced Button Controller). A custom-built app by @stephack which focuses on automations triggered by button controllers. See this thread for details and the link to the app (and required child app) code.

Detailing how to build automations using the cube are outside the scope of this thread, but the basic set up is to goto the Apps tab of your hub, install the app, select the app to set up an automation, choose your cube as a button trigger, select which button number push will trigger the automation, and then set up the action(s) that will be taken when that button number is pushed.

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