[Deprecated] Xiaomi / Aqara / Opple Drivers with Presence!

I would need to see more of the event history, this doesn't look right to me.
EDIT: You're right, the open/close state can be updated from an event that is not actually a change in state. I have fixed it and it will be part of the next release, probably during the weekend.


That may explain some weird shenanigans........

The open/close datetime event should be correct now if you use the Beta drivers from the development branch.

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Please excuse my random question, @markus. Do these drivers support the later MIJIA contact sensors? I'm looking to replace a couple of door sensors and they appear to be slightly cheaper than the Aqara units as they're more easily available.

@markus contact sensor driver works with models MCCGQ01LM & MCCGQ11LM.

I believe the first of those is a Mijia model, while the second is Aqara.

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Excellent, thank you.

Just noticed your post above. Hope you're on the road to recovery. My dive into home automation started due to decreased mobility, working with reliable tools (like these drivers) makes life immeasurably more pleasant :+1:


If the difference in price is small I would get the Aqara model, they behave a little bit better when it comes to how they reply to packets sent to them. If this really will make them stay better on the mesh is not yet clear though. Both models are, just as @aaiyar mentions, supported. Whenever the new model from Aqara comes out that one will also be supported, but when that is going to be is a good question, they were announced 1 year ago.


Thanks for the confirmation. I actually decided to go with the Aqara sensors in the end as I hoped they'd be a better fit into the mesh along with the others I'm already using, they'll take a while to arrive but it gave me an excuse to order a light sensor and a MIJIA contact sensor to use as a test.


The light sensors are nice, they are well-behaved and have not dropped since I installed them. Ok, nothing drops form my mesh so maybe not a good measurement, but I've heard the same from others who do have issues with some devices, just not those.


That's good to hear, I've been using lux from an aqara motion detector but while it works fairly well I've been a little frustrated at the requirement for motion to update.

I have to say, since swapping to your drivers I've had nothing drop. While things were actually pretty solid with the old ones they are exceptionally stable now.

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I have 2 of the Zigbee light sensors and they using markus's drivers and they are solid.

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btw, they are the fastest sensors to connect I have at home and yes , they are rock solid.
I think it is a byproduct of the Zigbee 3.0 compliancy: when they fall back they are HA 1.2 certified (the previous generation is not) .

p.s. it is the only xiaomi device not using Markus's drivers (it uses my driver for sentimental reasons :slight_smile: )

@markus, I have noticed that since I installed v0.7.1.0703b yesterday, several of my sensors have had their presence change to Not Present, and trigger an email notification rule. Is there any chance you did something that changed the frequency of the CheckIn frequency process??

Prior to this version, I think it had only happened one or 2 other times, with 1 sensor, but now it is happening more frequently, with more sensors. Nothing else in my mesh has changed. Any suggestions, or any further information needed?

There were changes, but nothing that should have done this, it could have broken things though, what do the logs say?

I have just installed 12 Xiaomi door Window Sensor Intelligent Mini Door Sensor Pocket Size.

I’m using these inside my crank style windows. They are really small! Small enough to fit in the casing which is great!

On one hub, I have a lot of Zigbee devices, all battery operated except my Sinopé TH1123ZB and TH1124ZB thermostats and one IKEA Zigbee extender. Half of my sensors are on that hub. On the other, the remaining 6 sensors are the only Zigbee devices. On that last hub, the devices have been connected for a good 7 hours now with no issues.

On the hub with other Zigbee devices, they keep getting disconnected. I suspect it is because of the thermostats, but am not sure how I can confirm this...

I can easily just resolve this by moving all my devices to the hub that works, but I’m thinking that there might be value in debugging this. Unfortunately, I have no Zigbee stick - I can only work with what Hubitat gives me. Does anyone have a recommendations on where to start?

@markus, I have switched to your driver (v0.7.1.0701). I really like the extra functionality that it has! Hoping that we can find out what is causing the issue on the one problematic hub! :smiley:

Just a huge "Thank You, @markus" for the updated drivers. I had purchased a bunch of Aqara sensors a year or so ago and was using the @veeceeoh drivers. My temp sensors, motion sensors and flood sensors all kept dropping off, so I put them away and replaced them with a bunch of Iris sensors I got off of eBay.

I noticed this thread was pretty active, so I busted out the old sensors and loaded them up with your drivers. So far, everything is 5x5 and looking forward to maintaining them with the Package Manager.

I could have saved a few bucks not replacing the Aqara leak sensors with Dome and Fibaro sensors. If you want to Venmo me the difference....... :wink:


Not sure how else to show them, but here they is a screen grab of one;

Yes, there is a bug in the latest Beta, I will update the repo soon the repo is updated.

Thanks @markus, I'll give them a go and report back if any unexpected pops up.

Thanks again for all your work on these drivers.

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Thank you for sharing your drivers!

I am using the wall remote (WXKG03LM), and so far I find it responsive and reliable.

Thanks a lot!!!

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