[Deprecated] Welcome Home

Hey @bptworld Bryan,

Any chance we can get volume working with speech/sync when using Echo devices? I still get the errors in the log that it's not supported

Currently running 2.0.8

Thanks in advance

Looking at your log, line 679 has to do with "Speech Synth" type speakers (typically google stuff). Shouldn't you be using the "Music Player" option instead for Echo devices? Give that a shot and let me know how you made out.


Hey Bryan,

No luck so far.
When I tried Music player, I get an error and I never get anything on the Echo, says no announcement needed

I went through and deleted everything, child, parent and started over
Re-installed the parent app, setup presence devices, all good
Created a new child and when I select Music Player, it doesn't see my Alexa device. If I select Speech device, it sees my Alexa device

Here is the bulk of the child app

Kinda stuck

Okay, what app are you using to get the Echo into Hubitat? I'll try to duplicate it here.


Alexa TTS Manager, found here


@toy4rick You really should look at Echo Speaks. This is the best integration and what most people have standardized on.


Hey Aaron,

Well that wasn't fun, the docs need some work that's for sure and ideally, create a set based on HE.

Bottom line, I got it working and all is well at this point.

Thanks for encouraging me to give it a go



I understand about the docs. Time has been in short supply lately.

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Hey Bryan, I'm trying to figure out why WH is being triggered.

Here is a screen shot of my log, WH was not needed at about 6:28 then at 6:32 it announced, when in fact I have been sitting on the couch for the last 90 mins, never left, haven't moved

Here is the child app

Here is my physical device, which hasn't changed since yesterday when we left/returned from a walk

P2, Pie
Using the new HE Mobile app for presence, no other presence like Life360 is being used


When WH triggers it checks the 'Last Activity At' on the device page. If that is within x minutes it will run. Looking at your logs it triggered 6:32:15 with a time difference of 1. So it made an announcement.

If it does it again, take a look at the device page and see what the 'last activity at' says. I can almost guarantee it will be at the same time as the app ran. I can't tell you why it updated, that's up to the device and Hubitat... all I can do is use the data it gives me.

@bptworld, @bravenel

Hey Bryan, it happened again and yes, the last activity is when the app triggered

in this case, all I did was open my front door, which is not tied to HE in any way, no sensors, nothing... My Lux which is part of the WH trigger is near the front door

Bruce, as you an see, I have been home since 2:30PM, yet Welcome Home thinks I arrived at 8:08 and according to Bryan, he is only acting on the data that is provided

Is this somehow connected to the Mobile app and how random it appears to be working for some of us with P2/P2 XL devices (maybe others?)?



Hope you are doing good!

I am still having issues with the "How many minutes can the presence sensor be home and still be considered for a welcome home message" option. Here is the scenario:

  1. Presence person leaves and Welcome Home sets presence away to be notified
  2. Presence person returns, BUT the front door has been open because it is GORGEOUS outside. They enter the home but the door contact is not triggered. The app is set for 4 minutes that they can be home and considered for a welcome home message
  3. Presence person has been home for hours (like 12 hours) and someone opens one of the doors (garage door connected to garage door child or front door connected to front door child). The notification goes off on the associated Welcome home child app.

This is the issue we were working on previously but due to NOAA updates and life I never got back around to it. Really want to squash this bug as the doors being open now are causing a lot of weird false positives announcements throughout the day.

Thank you, long slow process but getting better every day.

I just ran a test scenario,

  1. I opened my front door
  2. Waited 5 minutes and then made a virtual presence sensor come home.
  3. Nothing triggered because the door was already open.
  4. Waited a few minutes past the 'considered' time
  5. Opened a second contact and no announcement needed because I've been here too long.
  6. I then went over and closed the front door. No announcement needed, been here too long.

The key to any announcement is the 'last activity time' found within any device page.

I recommend the next time you get an out of place message, go check the 'last activity date' of the presence sensor associated with that announcement (right away :grin:). Would be interesting to see if it is within your 'considered time', even though you haven't left or come home recently.

Here is the log from my test:
app:53552019-06-03 11:50:42.482 am debugIn contactSensorHandler - Contact: Living Room Front Door Sensor - Status: closed

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:10.081 am infoBryan - Front Door - Sensor 1 - No announcement needed. Time Diff = 5

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:10.047 am debugSensor 1 - timeDiff: 5

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:10.027 am debugSensor 1 getTimeDiff4 - lastActivity: 2019-06-03 11:45:17.293

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.917 am debugSensor 1 getTimeDiff4 - Global Been Here: no

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.909 am debugSensor 1 getTimeDiff4 - Presence Sensor Status - 4: present

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.896 am debugIn getTimeDiff4 - Sensor 1

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.884 am infoBryan - Front Door - Bryan - No announcement needed. Time Diff = 132

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.812 am debugBryan - timeDiff: 132

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.802 am debugBryan - lastActivity: 2019-06-03 09:38:19.57

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.772 am debugBryan - Global Been Here: no

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.769 am debugBryan - Presence Sensor Status - 1: present

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.736 am debugIn getTimeDiff1 - Bryan

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.697 am debugIn contactSensorHandler...

app:53552019-06-03 11:50:09.662 am debugIn contactSensorHandler - Contact: Test Virtual Contact Sensor 1 - Status: open

app:53552019-06-03 11:45:17.380 am debugSensor 1 - Presence Sensor is present - Let's go!

app:53552019-06-03 11:45:17.375 am debugInpresenceSensorHandler4 - Sensor 1 - Presence Sensor: present

app:53552019-06-03 11:45:09.238 am debugGlobal Been Here - Bryan: no - Amy: no - Emma: no - Sensor 1: no - Sensor 2: no

Do you think this issue is occurring because of the two child apps sharing the Welcome Home device handler?

Remember I have two doors with two speakers meaning two child apps to control each speaker.

That's the whole point of having the device, so it can keep track of presence devices across child apps. I too have two child apps, 3 doors and 10 speakers that are used for announcements! lol.

Like I said, the next time it happens take a quick look at the 'Last activity date' in the device. Also if you have logging on, look for these two lines.

Sensor 1 - timeDiff: 5
Sensor 1 getTimeDiff4 - lastActivity: 2019-06-03 11:45:17.293


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New version on Github...

V2.1.0 - 06/06/19 - Added more wording to Volume Control Options. Code cleanup.

FINALLY got it to do it. As you can see the BH1 and BH3 are over the 4 minutes. :slight_smile: I forgot to enable logging which I just turned on now. Does this help?


Did it again....here is more info:

Front door Welcome Home Child App:
app:26062019-06-08 08:15:14.086 am infoWelcome Home - Front Door - Mom just got here! Time Diff = 0

app:26062019-06-08 08:15:14.039 am infoWelcome Home - Front Door - Dad - Global 'Been Here' is yes. No announcement needed.

Welcome home device driver:
dev:22562019-06-08 08:15:14.137 am debugIn Welcome Home - sendDataMap4 - Received new data!

dev:22562019-06-08 08:15:14.100 am debugIn Welcome Home - sendDataMap3 - Received new data!

dev:22562019-06-08 08:15:14.072 am debugIn Welcome Home - sendDataMap2 - Received new data!

Welcome Home Driver Events:

Looking at the log, WH did exactly what it was supposed to. :grin:

You'll need to compare this time stamp with the 'Device Details - Last Activity Time'. Like I have shown in post #258. Only then will we know if something is going on or not.


@bptworld So not sure what you mean. Here is the last activity for the presence sensor that this issue occurred with. As you can see the device has been present since yesterday. The time diff is not working correctly in the app and/or driver. Also keep in mind this happens with all presence sensors I have Welcome Home monitoring.