[DEPRECATED] Tasmota 7.x/8.x firmware for Hubitat + Tuya, Sonoff and other drivers

I had forgotten to add the settings for that, the functions were there, just not the settings. Thanks for the reminder. The repo now have a new driver with this, as well as a precision setting for temperature.

Nice:) Any issues/or a long period of no issues, let me know :slight_smile:

That is nice to hear!

This is a dimmer, I don't have any TuyaMCU dimmers, so will have to look at which commands to use for dimming. The driver I have published should work for On/Offwill not work yet, will make something else you can test. Do you have any driver that works right now? Do you know of one for SmartThings that work? Please test what I have published and if you can, find a driver for another system which has support for Dimming using Tasmota and this dimmer.
You can also go through this guide and tell me the values you find:

Include all log messages relevant for TuyaMCU from the Tasmota Console.

Drivers are in the repo :smile: , please test them and report back...

Drivers are in the repo :smile: , please test them and report back...

Thanks @markus I will apply that driver update now.

Btw, have you worked on bulbs before? I have 2 Brilliant Tasmota bulbs and I would love to bring them over as well as the current driver I suffer issues changing between colours and debugs dropping in logs etc. The template details are here let me know what logging you need and I will shoot it over. I purchased them from here.

I have not tried any bulbs, but shouldn't be too hard. I have an RGB strip controller for which the Hubitat side would be the same, I'll see if I can connect that one this weekend, I want some colours in the livingroom anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
Once I have that one working I can have a look at the bulb. If you can link to the current driver you're using I can maybe learn something from there as well.

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Awesome and sounds good. Sure it's located here.

btw, the temp offset works perfect thanks mate.

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There's an EXPERIMENTAL driver for the RGB bulb in the repo, I do need feedback to know where to go from here. Not sure which features are important, what to remove, what to add, etc...

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Alright I have applied the driver and for the most part it's working really well. The only thing i cannot seem to get working anymore is the warm white. Note in the product description the below. Also if I select white from the driver page in HE it's just an RGB white so not as bright.

"You can tune the globe to any of the 11 million colours in the RGB colour spectrum as well as to 3000 K warm white."

So mostly good then, I don't have any RGBW (only RGB) devices yet, which is why I didn't get that part. I'll see if I can get it right without having my own RGBW device. Will order an RGBW strip when I find something I like.

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Thanks mate, if it helps I can give you over the shoulder Teamviewer access in to check logs etc anyways just PM me if that's helpful.

That shouldn't be needed, I've put a new version in the repo, please test it out. I don't know if the ColorTemperature function is possible to use for you, but you could try that one as well.

Excellent your driver now supports the warm white that I was expecting. I didnt need to change anything else.

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How's the dimmer function performing?

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Works perfectly.

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Great, then I'll just clean up the code and release a non-experimental version :smile:

EDIT: @jchurch The cleaned and updated driver is now in the repo, please have a look..

@markus i am using you tasmoto-generic wifi swith/plug and using tasmota 7.2 what i am see is that i can get the switch working in Hubitat, but if i hit the switch manually, i don't see any events on the device event log. and then it is not triggering my other automation. if i browse to the switch and select the console i do the see the power on\off events.

the switch i am using is https://www.amazon.com/Treatlife-Smart-Light-Switch-Assistant/dp/B07R7PCCT9/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=384J0ML89XC75&keywords=treatlife+smart+light+switch&qid=1576952773&sprefix=treatlif%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyTko2RkpVMklOMDFMJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzczMDMzM1JUTkJDTVBVUEVHQyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzg1OTU3TFE2REpYSU1WWVlLJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

with template {"NAME":"TL SS01S Swtch","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,56,157,0,0,21,17,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}


By running Tasmota 7.2, you mean the official one? Not my version? Then no, you will not see any updates, my version has additional code for Hubitat. You need to use my release of Tasmota.

So I’m somewhat a newbie at this. We’re so k find 7 basic and minimal?

Here, as linked in the first post.

Thanks, I just re-read this thread

Do let me know how it goes, with the correct firmware all should work perfectly.

so i updated my device using the utl ota and it upgraded to 7.2 (arendst). i was able to load the minimal.bin. but i can't seam to load any of markus's firmware. what would i need to do?