[Deprecated] Room Director - Smarter rooms, automatically!

Hi, I can't see the time, sunrise, sunset triggers (new features?)


Be sure you're on 1.2.0

New version on GitHub...

1.2.1 - 08/15/20 - Reworked Permanent Dim

New version on GitHub...

1.2.2 - 08/16/20 - Fix for sunset/sunrise

Be sure to open and hit 'Done' on each child app


Hi Bryan, I tested sunset/sunrise but the lights turn on even if it isn't sunset yet. I'm on 1.2.2

I tried deactivating sunset/sunrise mode and reactivating clicking done and test again but the lights still turn on in the middle on the day.

This is the only child instance that uses permanent dim. The others use sunset/sunrise without turnning on in the daytime so maybe it's related ?

Note: the lights turn on after the motion delay as expired if that helps you

Need to see a log please

Edit: I see something...

Right now I'm within the sunset to sunrise period) so I can't test but will sent a log when I can reproduce the event.

No worries, I've rewritten the handler. Seems to be working but won't know until it turns the light off in the morning. :wink:


Okay, let's try this again...

New version on GitHub...

1.2.3 - 08/17/20 - More adjustments to sunset/sunrise

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New version on GitHub...

1.2.4 - 08/17/20 - Getting closer!


1.2.5 - 08/18/20 - Lets try something new! :wink:

1.2.6 - 08/18/20 - Another set of changes

For the informational tile, what do you use for a template ? I tried attribute and many others but I'm just getting a question mark.

Also, you removed the minutes after sunset. Was the native and positive offset causing problems ? I would of liked to add a positive offset (minutes after sunset on some of the lights)... But no big deal if to much trouble.

Thanks for the update

Be sure to look at the device first and make sure the info is there. It'll be under 'bpt-roomTile'. Once the info is in the device, then open the dashboard and select 'attribute', then 'bpt-roomTile'.

Just trying to simplify things until it is working correctly. Then I can try to add it back.

Be sure you're on 1.2.6, open each child app and hit 'done' to update it. :wink:

Ok, I'll give it a try, thanks

New version on GitHub...

1.2.8 - 08/19/20 - Flip a coin - works or not... :man_shrugging:

Had a problem in 1.2.7 with the permanent dim (would turn off completely after motion instead of dimming. After doing some tests without changing anything, it resolved itself after 15 minutes.

Now I'm on 1.2.8 and have clicked done on all child apps.

Will know if before/after sunset works tomorrow night.

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Hi Bryan, no luck, lights don't turn off after sunrise two days in a row


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New version on GitHub...

1.2.9 - 08/21/20 - And now for something completely different

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Yep, 1.2.9 fixed the lights not turning off at sunrise. Thank-you !


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The sunrise/sunset thing was kicking my butt! I think I got it though. Mine worked great last night and this morning. Hopefully that'll do it.

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It seems that notifications from Room Director stoped working with the latest version