[Deprecated] Ring Alarm Keypad G2 - New Dev/Driver/Thread Links in 1st post!

Code positions are irrelevant to the overall function, just indexes in the list - so they must be unique for each code you want to use, or it will overwrite the previously stored code at that index. The same code can be used for all functions - just enter the programmed code, then press the desired arming mode button.

Also compatible with the built-in Lock Code Manager app - if you already have locks integrated and use this to add/remove codes

Ahh I understand - thank you very much :+1:

Since the update my siren is now silent when triggered (the red led does flash though). I've tried setting it to a few different levels between 1-10 and I click 'configure' and then 'save' but it's still stilent. Anyone else having this issue or know what's wrong?

Try this in line 926:

def sVol = volSiren()

Not at my home to try it out or submit a PR

To change the Siren Volume, use the box 'Vol Siren' - enter the level (1 - 10) then click the Vol Siren button. That's it!

I tried that a few times with a few different number between 1-10 but it doesn't work. The 'state' on the right hand side of the screen updates but the keypad is still silent when manually triggering the alarm (although the red LED flashes).

Tried this too but it didn't make any difference

Please turn on the 'debug log' and take a screenshot of the log showing when the alarm should be sounding.


here you go and thanks for helping

Hmmm, something else is going on over there. I just tried it and got the exact same log except my siren went off.

Be sure you are still hitting the off button between tests.

My log:

This switch needs a disclaimer. When HSM is armed and a contact sensor is tripped, HSM goes into intrusion-delay. during that, all you have to do is press the "arm home" or "arm away" button - HSM will forget that it's in intrusion-delay and just re-arm. so someone broke in your house, and cancelled the alarm by just pressing a button.

Or I could fix it. :grin:

New version available...

1.1.6 - 03/21/22 - Alarm has to be disarmed before changing to a different alarm type

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I'd think this is a known limitation of "no-pin arm/disarm" - even with the recent changes, an intruder could simply press the disarm button.

ABSOLUTELY NOT! A pin code is ALWAYS needed to disarm the alarm.

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That makes sense, thanks for clarifying.

I just tried again a few times, ensuring I hit off between tests and also trying at a few different volume levels but still no sound. Any ideas what I can try next? Here are the logs:

New version available...

1.1.7 - 03/21/22 - Fine tuning

After updating to the latest version...

  • Can you play a tone?
  • Does the strobe work?
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Updated to latest version.

  • Playing a tone doesn't work
  • Strobe works (when triggered with 'siren' button and also when triggered with 'strobe' button

The speaker on the keypad works and it can make sounds. I'm probably not going to trigger the siren as an alarm event anyway - and use text notifications, lights and maybe speakers instead. So please don't spend any more time trying to problem solve unless other people start running into the same issue.

I should have said this in the first post; thanks for all your efforts on this driver - it's brilliant!

Thanks, sorry I get that part working for you. I would try removing the keypad, factory reset it and add it back in. At least you know then that it's a clean slate.

I didn't realize this was unintended, or something that could be fixed. I thought it was just a function of how the keypad is built.

very cool!

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@bptworld I'm seeing the user name and code exposed as "debug" logging with the current version of the driver. Is this intended or left over from some testing? I do have debugging turned off.