[DEPRECATED] NOAA Weather Alerts

Found the logic error. Please give a try.

3.0.019 - fixed logic error


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Sorry it took longer than expected.

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no apologies necessary.. I just said i would let you know when my area had alerts and if it would work (or not). And it did!! Thank you for your hard work and dedication!!

It has to be tough to diagnose a problem with such an intermittent events like severe weather. No need to be sorry about it.


@aaron I just got a severe thunderstorm warning and I have the repeat at one. But it keeps repeating. I am on 3.0.019

Ugh. I will look into it. For now turn off repeat option and then hit the reset app state in settings.

Ok, will do. Sorry about that.

Aaron, I love your app, but am having an issue. The announcements seem to be repeating every time it polls the nws. I don’t have it set to repeat btw. I also reset application state but no change. I finally decreased polling to every 10 which has helped. It didn’t seem to know that it was the same alert that was there 5 minutes ago.

It had been every 5, but I got more announcements when I was trying to change to poll every 10, and then after resetting app state (which it didn’t want to do, perhaps due to active weather alert).

Version you are on?

@aaron I hate to ask but have you found the problem with the app repeating more often then what we set it for? You asked me to turn off the repeat which I did. Just let me know. Thanks

Latest one. String version() { return "3.0.019"

Anyone having any trouble with a switch not being turned on? I got a pushover alert today but the switch I specified to be turned on was not turned on. I checked the switch device events to confirm. I am using a virtual switch, however I don’t think this should make a difference.

On vacation and have to look at this when I return.

No problem. Enjoy your vacation!!

Vacation... people do that in 2020??? Or is that just a nice way of saying “I went somewhere other than a grocery store!”


We needed to escape our Illinois state warden and go over to Iowa to have a great time. So yes...somwhere other than the grocery store. LOL!

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"I'm going to Iowa to have fun!" said no one ever :slight_smile:
Sorry to everyone in Iowa... I live in a boring area too!


He may be referring to this:
“Firecrackers, Roman candles and even bigger pieces like the "One Bad Mother-in-law" (yes, it's a real thing) officially became legal to sell and set off June 1.Jun 13, 2017“

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As of 7/25/2020 NOAA Weather Alerts development of this app has ceased. If another developer would like to continue these efforts then please fork the GitHub and also follow the licensing constraints and ownership of the code and intellectual property within the license.

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