[DEPRECATED] Kasa Plug, Switch, and Bulb integration

Are you in the UK? The update appears to be UK only.

Im not in the UK. But I want to learn how to prevent the update from happening.

Yeah I'm from the UK, that explains it then why they suddenly stopped working. I have 11 in total and 3 seemed to not show up.

I also have an update in the Kasa app. From Australia. I may not update just yet.

Open the integration app. One of the features is to go to local control only on the devices. Once this is done, you will not be able to control through the Kasa App away from home.

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I will post a temp fix this weekend. It will be cloud based. You can use it for broken devices.

Investigation shows that TP-Link is apparently changing the code to be AES encrypted messaging and a different port.

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Will this work with the new KP115 (basically an improved HS110) or will that need to be explicitly added?

I have updated the application to take the KP115. Location:


May or may not work. Please inform either way.

  1. new model, never verified
  2. TP-Link has been changing interface on some devices making the current integration not work (I am working a temporary solution, final solution will be early next year).

I have KP115 switches working with the Kasa app. I purchased that model because it integrates with the Sense energy monitor.

Does anyone know if the HS110 and KP115 can be controlled by Hubitat and still integrate with the Sense energy monitor?

There should be no limitation. They are separate communications and will not normally interfere.

Are they forcing the update on setup, or can it be ignored? Do you happen to know their firmware versions that are affected?

On my devices I am not seeing a forced update. I do have 3 updates for my Hs-200 switches (not updating) and none of my other devices is offering an update.. I do not know the firmware versions nor device versions that apply (they have EU, US, and AUS versions of their code for many devices, probably more) - so if they do all it will be a significant undertaking.

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Have you tried to install yet? I want to see if it works for your device, given the interface changes on-going at TP-Link.

I have three HS103s arriving tomorrow. I’ll let you know what I find.

[Edit] Just checked my KP-303 and so far it’s not showing any firmware updates available.

Has anyone had issues getting their KP400 connected? It is showing in the application database, but has a no for Hubitat. Any ideas?


EDIT: if anyone runs into this problem, manually add the driver for the multi-plug, and try again.

I have the same problem! Will try the driver. Thanks!

As you get new devices, assure you have the correct driver. I believe this is documented in the wiki and repeated below:

Thanks, adding the driver did it. I didn't realize the multi plug had its own driver.

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HS103 works great with the Plug Switch driver. Thank you again. Nice to have an inexpensive option for decent budget devices, for now anyway. Still some old ones left it seems, and they're on sale now.

Three of these are going into my daughter's starter smart apartment.

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Does this mean bad news for Hubitat integration too?

Maybe and yes. Some of the HS100 and 110 plugs are involved now. I am working on re-developing the old cloud method for these devices. If it works, then we may have to convert to a less-advantaged cloud version. Again a work in-process. Hopefully after thanksgiving I will have code for HS110 and HS100 only (will expand as necessary).

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