[Deprecated] GE/Jasco Zwave Plus Dimmer Switch with Double Tap, Associations

Awesome...someone with actual zwave knowledge working on this. Sorry about all the extra run around guys. Like I said, zwave was not my area of expertise...I patched the code together and it seemed to work for me. Just glad we found the culprit because I was a loss for a while there.

I'm looking through the parameter dump on an unmodified one, and the one that had driver 1 installed to see what changed in terms of dimming.

EDIT: OK they are the same. So if there were differences in dimming, I can't see why offhand. Maybe you changed one of the parameters on accident?

Really on the parameter side of things, the only thing different I see right now is the association group 3 setting.

So in the end, all that we really need is:

  1. Stock driver
  2. Ability to add hub ID to Association group 3
  3. Parsing for the received button commands

Great. Updated driver 2 to include all the cmds from driver 1.
Please load and test.

I'm kinda out of time for tonight, need to get to a few other things.

But I took a quick look your updated code, and it should work fine. For that functionality at least, I still need to sit down and see what else is in that driver that I may/may not want... :slight_smile:

Also probably should probably have the various dimmer settings exposed, too, at some point.
Param 7 = Digital dimming # of steps (1-99)
Param 8 = Digital timing for steps (1-255)
Param 9 = Manual/physical dimming # of steps (1-99)
Param 10 = Manual/physical timing for steps (1-255)
Param 11 = ALL ON/OFF dimming # of steps (1-99)
Param 12 = ALL ON/OFF timing for steps (1-255)

Gotcha, feel free to add/modify/recreate... whatever you feel would benefit others. I don't even use this driver anymore. Thanks for your help.

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You bet.

Probably should make one for the motion dimmers (26933) too - they should have the same double tap capability.

So do the zwave plus switches... the 14291.

Correction... Now that I look closer, the zwave plus switch and dimmer both list association group 3 as:
Supports Basic Set and is controlled by double pressing the On or Off button

It is the motion switch/dimmer that list it as a nebulous:
Supports Basic Set and is controlled by pressing On/Off button with local load

So who knows... May/may not work on the motion ones. I'll have to find time to tinker.

@bravenel @mike.maxwell

Now that we understand the functionality that is needed to support double tap in hardware on the GE devices... Is this something you want to add natively into HE, or should we start working on making community drivers for this? I don't want to spend a bunch of time adding it/making it, if you guys are going to...

We need this for the 14291 and 14294:

  1. Stock driver
  2. Ability to add hub ID (1) to Association group 3 (probably by doing AssociationSet during configure...)
  3. Parsing for the received button commands:

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) {
//log.info "bv1BasicSet"

def buttonEvents(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd){
//log.info "buttonEvent"
if (cmd.value == 255) {
createEvent(name: "pushed", value: 1, descriptionText: "$device.displayName Upper Paddle Double-tapped (Button 1)", isStateChange: true, type: "physical")
else if (cmd.value == 0) {
createEvent(name: "pushed", value: 2, descriptionText: "$device.displayName Lower Paddle Double-tapped (Button 2)", isStateChange: true, type: "physical")

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I would think you would have to do a factory reset first wouldn't you? Otherwise, the params that were set by driver 1 might still be there. Without that, is it truly a test of driver 2?

I had 3 different switches. I only used driver 1 on 1 of them.

And you are right. Once you add the Hub ID to association group 3, it stays until changed or factory reset.

Thanks, I'll look into it.


@stephack just noticed your update to driver 2. I think you have a typo in the version string. thanks for the update.

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I ported Nuttytree's Smartthings DTH for the GE 14291 Z-wave Plus Switch a couple of weeks ago. It has been working well for me. It supports double-tap and also reports physical / digital events correctly.

I just posted a link to it in this post.

I'm glad to hear that Hubitat may add native support for double-tap for the GEs. This was my first port of a driver or app from Smartthings; it was a fun project in any case :slight_smile:

Time flies when you're having fun :wink:
I forgot we're in 2019 now....version number updated.

Forgot to mention to you that driver 1 (pretty much a direct port of the ST driver) has a lot of these config options already available. I did not need them and I believe they may have been causing issues with HE so I removed them. This was months ago, so one of the many updates may have fixed what I described in the second post.
Regardless, you have a template in place with that driver. FYI.

Please and thank you! Is there documentation on what features the stock drivers support? I'm not finding it in the wiki and I don't have any installed in Hubitat. Are the dimming rate settings and timeout duration settings exposed as well?

There isn't any documentation on the built-in drivers (that I have ever seen anyway). Whatever you see on the device detail page is what it does.

The GE/Jasco Dimmers use a generic "smart dimmer" driver (the motion dimmers use a different driver, though). Typically these generic drivers have the core functionality common to all devices of that type (dimmer in this case), but not any of the vendor specific or unique features.

For instance, double tap is not supported. Neither is dimming rate. The switches don't have a timeout setting at all, so that would have to be handled in RM rules or another app.

If you want to see everything the GE zwave plus switch can do in hardware, the list is here:

The built in driver only exposes parameters 3 and 4, and doesn't expose association groups at all. Association group 3 needs to have the hub ID (1) added to it to even get the double tap messages from the switch.

Any other feature (like timeout? depending on what you define that as) would have to be done in software - on any system, that isn't unique to HE.

Could the relay switches support double tap? Or just dimmers?

The 14291 supports double tap in hardware, if on firmware 5.20 or newer which came out in 2016.

I probably have a custom HE driver that supports that... Somewhere... Not sure how well it works though, as I don't really care much about double tap - so don't use it/test it.

I do know the 14294 dimmer driver I have floating around supports it, but it has a few quirks versus the built-in driver (can't use it over a Hub Link, for instance due to some timing issue I haven't figured out).

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Yeah, the switches do have a timeout setting. That's what param 10 is. When the switch is set to manual mode param 10 specifies how much time will pass until they trigger motion again. It's in hardware. I'm not sure if that is a typical use for param 10 since companies are supposed to follow a standard but that's how this switch implements it. I can see it from looking at NuttyTree's original ST driver.

Anyway, thanks for the information. I guess I will be running a custom driver since I super dig having access to the refresh trigger delay setting thinger. In high traffic areas I set it very high so there is less crap going on. In remote locations in the house (like the basement bathroom) I like it very low so that somebody moving in and out of the bathroom can get crisp responses from making mistakes, etc. while deciding what to do while moving around. Not sure if that makes sense for you but it makes a ton of sense for me and I like what I like.

Any drawback to running a custom driver on HE? On ST it meant cloud processing but I don't think that's a thing on HE.

It is getting confusing in here because people are referring to completely different models of devices - which have very different capabilities (both in hardware and in the default driver in HE).

Of course the MOTION switch and dimmer have a timeout. :smile: The auto off timer for the MOTION switch and dimmer is exposed in the default driver.

Note, though, that the MOTION switch and dimmer do not support the double tap functions I mentioned before in hardware.

Also, you can of course set the auto off timer setting from the switch buttons themselves, if you have no need to change them programmatically.