[DEPRECATED] Enhanced GoControl GC-TBZ48 Z-Wave Thermostat Driver

Thanks! I'll give it a day or two and check again.

OK, so I do indeed seed a 1x a day battery report in the logs.

Would it be possible to add the "battery" capability to the driver and update a "battery" state variable when a report is received? I'd like to be able to display the battery state in a dashboard tile (hence the "battery" state variable) as well as send battery info to Influx (hence the "battery" capability).

I'll take a look at it when I get a chance. Should be doable I think.

See if this does what you need.

v1.8.0 Uploaded, added Battery capability.

That was fast! Seems to work perfectly. Thanks!

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Added filter capability, clock syncronization and security ecnapsulation

Created pull request to merge it

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Merged, and thank you.

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What functionality does BCOPLANDS additions. ( Added filter capability, clock syncronization and security ecnapsulation) add so an old guy can understand lolo and is this more functionality then the default Hubitat driver provides.

Filter uses the thermostat’s built-in filter timer with the max filter hours setting to tell you when to change the filter... Basically run-time hours

Clock sync uses the time on your HE to set the internal clock on the thermostat.

Security encapsulation lets the driver work if you joined it with security

This driver allows you to access all the configuration parameters of the thermostat.. As well as many more features than the built-in he driver...

Temperature calibration being a major benefit.. Any thermostat will drift over time.. I like precision..

I had actually started writing my own until I saw that someone had already made one.. So I just added the features I wanted to the one that was already made... No sense in doing double the work..

@JasonJoel Did a great job on this driver


Yeah, it is 2020... I guess I should quit being lazy and put security encap support in more of my drivers. :confused:

Thank you soooo much for your explanation of your Gocontrol thermostat driver additions. May I ask how is one informed of a need for a filter change which is a great addition! Will it appear on the device page in HE or is there an area on the actual screen of the thermostat.

I'm new to zwave thermostats just installing the Gocontrol a few days ago so i apologize in advance for what may seem simple minded questions

You can look in the driver.. Or use rule machine and trigger on filterStatus which has either normal or replace as the responses


Device Selector


Driver Definition

capability "FilterStatus"


filterStatus - ENUM ["normal", "replace"]


you will of course have to reset the filter timer when you change the filter.. Either on the thermostat or the filterReset button in the driver

Concerning battery loss with the Gocontrol thermostat with no C wire available and just running on batteries, is there any safeguard that can be written into the driver to allow the furnace to continue to supply heat if there were total battery failure? I had the batteries die after only 2 weeks of use and woke up to a freezing home. Most importantly. If the batteries die and I'm away, I'd like to prevent a catastrophe.

If the batteries die, there is nothing that can be done in the driver OR the thermostat as battery power is needed to energize the relays that run the HVAC system. So no battery power = no relays = no HVAC operation.

There ARE ways of wiring up back backup/emergency thermostat in parallel at the HVAC unit itself, but that is well outside of what we can cover in this topic.

If you are interested in learning more about that, you should make a separate post. I know there are a few people that have freeze protection mechanical thermostats wired in parallel on here.

Much appreciate your explanation and directions concerning filter change notifications. I don't know what I'd do without this GREAT community.

Oh boy, thats a real issue concerning dead batteries , but thats an excellent idea to check other posts relating to freeze protection.

Just as an aside, I did utilize Device Watchdog to inform me of battery status for the thermostat. Its wasn't Device Watchdogs fault that i wasn't warned . I believe I had a defective thermostat because it always showed 100% battery status even with dead batteries. So I was trying to be proactive but the thermostat wasn't showing a correct battery status. I have replaced the unit and hope the battery status will now function correctly and all this can be avoided.

Again thank you for your patience and time

Better yet .. Hook up a c-wire... Guaranteed to keep working as long as you have electrical power .. And the device becomes a repeater.. you can retrofit if you don’t have a c-wire.

24VAC transformer for $16


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FANTASTIC! I have a plug just below the thermostat and this will work great! I can fish up that wire behind the sheetrock. Can't thank you enough!!!!

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