[Deprecated] Direction Alerter - Get notified on the direction something is moving in

Introducing 'Direction Alerter'
Get notified on the direction something is moving in. Great for a Driveway Alert with direction.

This app has been merged into Event Engine - Automate your world with easy to use Cogs. Rev up complex automations with just a few clicks!


  • Uses motion sensors and/or contact sensors to determine direction
  • Get notifications based on direction
  • All speech requires 'Follow Me'
  • Flashing Lights requires 'The Flasher'
  • Parent/Child App structure
  • Create as many child apps as needed

Apps can be found on my GitHub or by using the Hubitat Package Manager.
(HPM is highly recommended)

When reporting problems...

  • Be sure you are on the latest version. I won't troubleshoot an older version.
  • Turn on debug and screenshot the issue happening in the log. One line or just the error doesn't cut it. I need a log.
  • Post the screenshot of the log with an explanation of the problem.



Hi Bryan this app looks awesome! Could you also add door contacts? As I have a mighty mule hooked to a door contact to give me an alert, but could put a motion sensor out with it. Thanks again for all your great work!

Added to the list

1 Like

Thanks Bryan!

New version on GitHub...

1.0.1 - 07/29/20 - Added using contact sensors as an option

NOTE: All child apps have to re-select the devices! Sorry. :grin:


I have installed your Driveway direction alerter and Follow Me. I probably have missed something, and am hoping you can help. This is the app description copied from the child app in Follow me.

Follow Me App (2.3.3) - Follow Me Child

Destination: Speakers
Speaker Option: MediaPlayer: NA - SpeechSynthesis: [Basement TV Sonos, Office Sonos, Kitchen Sonos, Master Bedroom Sonos, Barn Sonos] - sonosSpeaker - Use Default: false
Volume Options:

  • Speaker Volume: 60 - Quiet Time: false - Q Volume: NA - Q From: NA - Q To: NA - Q Midnight: NA
  • Speech Restriction: false - R From: NA - R To: NA - R Midnight: NA
    Message Priority: false - priorityVoices: NA - messageSounds: NA

Any help is appreciated.

Need more info. What is it doing - not doing? How did you setup DA? Are there any errors? Debug logs?

it isn't doing anything. I thought I may have messed up setting up the Follow me. In DA, I set up the two contact closures and use the Follow me as the speaker. I will see what the logs say.

So I looked at the logs since I went out to run an errand and just came back. It shows the one contact opening and closing, but not the other. I will check that out first and see if that helps.

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