Several times now I have added a new device and found that the new device did not appear as a device selection in an existing scene or rule or app. In other words, I added a smart plug and then wanted to add its state to a particular scene. The smart plug device works fine "manually" but going to the scene and selecting the devices involved in the scene, the new smart plug does not appear in that list.
To make it appear, I have gone in and out of the switch, the scene, etc and hit 'done' a few times. Finally it shows up. I have not tried rebooting the hubitat, although that might be a useful debug tool.
Any ideas or thoughts? I'm probably doing something dumb that I have not yet been able to identify!
Ok, this time I carefully REMOVED a virtual switch that a scene activation was supposed to toggle. I first unchecked the virtual switch in the scene, then deleted the virtual switch. There are also some new Z-wave devices that added today.
Going back to the scene to add in the Z-wave device. Guess what? The virtual switch is still there (unchecked) as a possible device to have as part of the scene, but the new Z-wave device is not. I then rebooted the hubitat. Still no change---the virtual switch is still there on the list of devices to check, but the new Z-wave device is not.
How can I refresh the devices for a scene (or a rule or another app like Alexa)?
Hi, I had this exact same issue. When I first noticed this issue, I rebooted the Hubitat. Still no joy. Then I came across your post, and your suggestion to hit "Done" (even with no changes to the scene or group) in the scenes and groups that aren't listing the new devices makes it appear! Thanks!
I noticed some old posts from other folks who had this issue as well. Hope more people who have that problem are able to find this solution.