Information from @thebearmay's Hub Information Driver shows rapid and significant up and down fluctuations of the database size on a C4 running
Is this normal or is something odd going on?
|dbSize|3|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 09:34:16.452 EDT|
|dbSize|9|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 09:25:15.566 EDT|
|dbSize|3|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 09:16:13.384 EDT|
|dbSize|5|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 09:07:12.574 EDT|
|dbSize|9|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 08:58:11.668 EDT|
|dbSize|5|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 08:49:10.088 EDT|
|dbSize|7|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 08:40:09.044 EDT|
|dbSize|3|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 08:31:08.353 EDT|
|dbSize|4|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 08:22:07.059 EDT|
|dbSize|7|MB||DEVICE||Hub info V3|2023-05-13 08:13:06.265 EDT|
Logs are not stored the hub database, so that is unlikely to affect this at all. Most changes are likely related stored device events, then either pruning according to your settings or regular database maintenance, plus other data stored in the database like app or driver state. I wouldn't worry about regular, periodic changes like the ones graphed above myself.