Dashboard needs refreshing

Hi guys ,

I'm using my hubitat dashboard (local link) via fully kiosk browser on an android tablet (galaxy tab 10.1 2019).

Im really glad with how everything works....the only thing that kind of annoys me is that I have to manually refresh the url to make everything work the way it should. If the page hasnt been refreshed for a while tiles dont react immediately ( so with a lot of delay saying "sending") or states aren't shown correctly (e.g. a light that was switched on via a manual switch only shows that it's on when I refresh the page or have it refreshed recently).

Is this the way it just works or is there something wrong with my system?

Best regards

Many people have the same issue and it's been reported multiple times. My dashboards never show the proper status of most devices without a refresh. It's irritating that's for sure.

One tip that did help mine a little was to turn off Lite/Data-Saving mode on the browser. But still many of my devices don't update properly without a browser refresh.

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Oh wow....that's a downer....well I hope they're working on it.....thanks for your reply!

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I solved this with using Fully Kiosk's screen saver option and the automatically refresh the page when the screen wakes up. It adds say 1 to 2 seconds before the dashboard reloads and since I use multiple pages I always know when I use the dashboard its on the "home" dashboard.

You can also have fully occasionally refresh the page automatically, not just from Screensaver wakeup.

Thanks, yeah I thought of that too. I just didnt like the idea of having my display refresh when the display is on. It just looks weird when suddenly everything reloads.

What time interval would you use to have the page refreshed? It's just a feeling but sometimes I feel that it needs refreshing every 10 to 15 minutes.....anything longer than that will make the dashboard unresponsive/not working properly.

So I'm starting to get really frustated here. This in my opinion is a MAJOR issue and should be adressed immediately. I bought hubitat (with import fees and everything) to replace my smartthings dashboard which was too slow in my opinion.

Hubitat dashboard is fast alright - but only when it works correctly!!

It is beyond annoying how unresponsive the dashboard gets when it hasnt been refreshed for lets say 20 minites or so.....tiles not reacting, button pushes not working, states not showing correctly.

How come this is not the biggest discussion here st all?

Ive heard about sharptools....but I believe its cloud based so way slower, right?

Any other alternatives? I read about some app calles "supertile".....

Agree. It kinda sucks right now. Many tiles don't update properly and a browser refresh is often required. I'm also finding some strange effects with my zigbee bulbs where if I click on the bulb to turn it off, it never updates the tile properly until a browser refresh, and another where if I change from coloured to white, as soon as I exit the pop up color settings window with the 'x' at the top right, the light resets to the previous color again. The dashboard is very unreliable in my opinion and probably the weakest part of the system. I wish we had proper widgets and that at least the app had a proper devices page that didn't rely on this klunky html technology that obviously doesn't work properly.

Is there a way to forward this thread to a staff member? I would only like to know if they are aware and working on it.

Otherwise I will have to resort to sharptools.....if there isnt any other alternative.....

I think @patrick is the staff member who seems to focus on all things dashboard related. I believe they are aware of most of these issues and working hard to resolve them...

As a new user from ST - I love the fact that everything is local - BUT

I have to agree this dashboard issue really annoying - especially for the wife acceptance factor.

On top of the fact that my Zwave lock isn't reporting correctly and weird behavior with lighting polling when using physical switch to turn on - Starting to wonder if I made the wrong choice.


I think I might try out sharptools today.....

I think this dashboard issue may be browser/OS related. I dont have issues with devices out of sync on my dashboards, either on the app or on safari on Macs and iPads. I do have devices that go out of sync due to z-wave, but thats at the device level.

What browser and OS are folks seeing the dashboard out of sync with?

Android 9.0 with fully kiosk browser here.

I'm seeing it with Chrome and Chromium type browsers.

iOS and Chrome

Dashboards not refreshing is a huge problem for me. iOS and Chrome.

is the refresh issue the same on cloud and local dashboards?

I've never tried the cloud version. Im going to try it today to see if it makes a difference.

Android Chrome