I'm trying to create a dashboard that includes all of my devices that's viewable on my phone. I set the grid to "4 X 3 (mobile portrait) and select the "use all your devices" option. As expected, this creates a layout that contains 12 tiles arranged in 4 rows by 3 columns.
Unfortunately, the page doesn't appear to be scrollable. I have over 50 devices configured in HE. I know that I can create separate dashboards but I'm having a hard time understanding the purpose of being able to create a dashboard of all my devices if I'm limited to seeing only 12 (in the case my my selected layout) of them.
Yeah, you would need to specify more rows/columns in the dashboard. Of course this still won't do what you want, as it will resize everything to try and fit it on one screen, making the tiles too small to be usable.
I don't know of any way to make a scrollable dashboard / set a minimum tile size.
I use sharptools almost exclusively (* the exception being my in-home tablets that I want "100%" uptime even when internet is down).
It doesn't have an "add all devices to a single dashboard" option, but in a few seconds you could manually build one. Since you can just keep clicking each device on the list, it literally only takes a few seconds.
The obvious downside is that you have to use SharpTools, meaning it is in the cloud.
The obvious upside, is you get a dashboard that works the way you want, and supports things like thermostats that Hubitat doesn't.
Here is one I have (well devices A-M, I just created this in about 10s as an example):
For my in-home tablets, that is what I do. I have 10-15 dashboards, all with a tile that links back up to a top level dashboard/menu of dashboard tiles. Took way longer to setup than I like, but it works and is local (and fast).
For all of my remote access, thermostats, and my 'catch all' dashboard I use SharpTools.
I use a "doubled" layout. 12x13 and then double the size of each tile. But that also allows me to use 2x1 or 1x2 tiles too. Motion sensors look best (for me) as 1x3 (3 wide) while dimmers, with the slider, needs 3x2.
I can see that now but it makes me wonder about the usefulness of the "use all your devices" option if the dashboard is limited to displaying a single page.
Thanks everyone for the SharpTools suggestions--looks like that's the way to go. One other question before I dive in: I assume a can also access the SmartTools dashboards remotely and can add a shortcut to my phone's home page?
Makes sense to have separate dashboards for room or functionality grouping. At this point I'm looking to quickly bang together something that shows me all devices in case I miss any and need to access them remotely.
Another reason I really like SharpTools is that you can protect certain tiles to prevent accidental changes.
For instance, I have a water supply shutoff valve to my house. In an emergency I want to be able to close it, but I never want to accidentally click it and shut off water to my house... You can do that in SharpTools. In HE, I intentionally do not add that to a dashboard, for fear of someone accidentally clicking it.
I just wish there was an option for a forced tile layout, instead of always auto-arranging tiles @josh .
It took me less than 10 minutes to add the SharpTools app, create a SharpTools account, add all of my devices (including rearranging a few of them), and create a shortcut to the SharpTools dashboard page on my Android home page. I like it!