Dashboard Feature Request

On webCoRE there is the ability to define pistons that basically give you the status of a device and the date and time of the last state change of that device.
Is there anyway this could be considered as a feature in the future.
For me it gives a quick check to see if everything is working OK remotely.
Here is the webCoRE screen shot.

I just use @bptworld Device Watchdog app for this. That way I don't even bother with a dashboard - I get my report once a day, and move on with life.

Not exactly what you asked for, but may be worth looking into in the meantime:

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I could probably add a report like that to Device Watchdog. Let me see what I can do...


Check out the new version of Device Watchdog on Github...

V1.2.0 - 02/25/19 - Added a new report type - Device Status


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Great update. Thanks.
I've updated and it is giving me a report of when the status of the device last changed.
What I was hoping for is that it would show what the status changed to. i.e. On or Off.
Also I see there is a 'Device Watchdog Tile' driver.
What is this for?