Dashboard bulbs turn On, but physically remain Off

So here's an update on this issue:

  1. At the time of the OP, I had 25 Sengled bulbs and 3 Zigbee repeaters. Based on some of the earlier comments, I purchased a 5 pack of Iris 3210-L2 Zigbee repeaters off eBay for a good price, and put them into service (so now 8 repeaters for 25 devices . . . . )
  2. The hub is at the correct/current FW:
  3. The old Wink 2 is Off.
  4. I moved the Hub about 8 feet away from the router
  5. Zigbee logs shows an RSSI of-59 to -64 for all devices, with LQI between 252 to 255.
  6. Zigbee Ch is set to 20.
  7. have powered down the HUB for > 20 mins to restart/reset the mesh

After all of that, the problem persists, and random devices will sporadically turn On in the Dashboard without any human interaction, but will remain physically Off. I am at wits end, and at this time I am contemplating returning it to Amazon for a replacement - since it seems to be either a software bug (in which case other folks would see the same problem) or it is hardware . . . .

Any thoughts?