First a brief intro:
After 2.5 years of Wink 2 "fun" I decided to pull the plug on that, and to migrate to Hubitat. By and large that went just ok (not well, but not too bad either). Hubitat does have its own "complexities" so to speak, and is definitely NOT the Panacea for all smarthome challenges.
My current issue:
I have about 27 or so Sengled Element Classic bulbs in various groups/dashboards, along with a few Zigbee outlets/repeaters. When they work they all seem to work well. At bedtime I turn everything off, and confirm that no tiles are l it in any dashboards. However, in the morning I will find a number of bulbs On in the dashboards that they appear in, but the bulbs are physically still Off. These bulbs cannot be turned on/off from the dashboards and/or Alexa, and can only be "reset" via the Devices page - that is to cycle them on/off - after which they are back to "normal", and can again be controlled via dashboard/Alexa.
This issue of bulbs turning on in dashboards but not physically is 1. ) not limited to nighttime, and does happen through the day as well; 2.) does appear in the Logs; 3.) seems to happen with only some bulbs from most but not all groups; and 4.) are not the same bulbs every time.
Having to perform a daily cleanup is rather irritating, and takes me back to the frustrations of Wink. I would hope to get this figured out soon. Any thoughts/suggestions?