Customizable tiles

With the addition of the new "Helper Tile" object I wanted to make a few suggestions to further enhance it.

First would it be possible to enable the ability to simply have it link to a URL. This could be useful in a variety of ways. Personally I would see this being able to allow a different way for navigation. Though I like the look of the current navigation method the lack of scrolling means on devices like phones with very limited horizontal pixels it is very difficult to use. Simply allowing a tile to call a URL could help alleviate that.

Second could it be possible to have a tile link to a mjpeg or jpg file. This would allow someone to use such a tile to load camera feeds. This could also be used to do something like load a weather map.

A different tile type is in development that would allow to open hyperlinks.

This is currently possible. Check this post: 💡 Configuring EZ Dashboard for Mobile use with separate areas


That is fantastic to see but to round it off it would be good if you could tap/click on the tile and expand it to full screen so you could get a better look at what the image is.

I can't wait for it. I tried te virtual URL device which I guess isn't it.

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@rlithgow1 beat you at requesting that feature :slight_smile:

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what device is being used to generate that weather tile?

Think I understand what the problem is, but need to do some research as the driver I have doesn't appear to be the right one.

Here is a post that might help:

I found that after posting. It seems I was using a different driver similarly named so I fixed that and have the tile now.

Thanks for the quick responses

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