I have multiple Centralite 3400G keypads transferred from another smart home system that is outdated. I picked Hubitat as a replacement as this keypad was on the list of compatible keypads. When I use one or more of these keypads with the Hubitat Safety monitor and virtual Buttons to set/disarm alarm states and created a rule for the keypads to set alarm states (arm Home, arm Away, DIsarm) the keypads cycle through multiple states on there own and finally settle down to a DISARM state along with the HSM. When I use a virtual button to set alarm state the keypads do the same dance. WHen I take the key pads off the list of ARM/DISARM devices for the HSM and use virtual buttons everything works fine. I also modified the RULE for the keypad to use the Virtual Buttons I created to ARM/DISARM the HSM. This works great, but once the keypad is set to a given state, and the HSM state is changed via a Virtual button, then the keypad does not change it's state, so any new attempt to modify the HSM from the keypad is not going to happen. ALso, if one keypad is in a given state the other keypad does not change to match it. This only appears to work when the Keypads are assigned to the HSM to ARM/DISARM , and then back to the original problem. So, if I can find out how to send commands from a Virtual devise to change the Keypad state other than using the DEVICES menu for the Keypad, I can configure my system to use all these features. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Even better than a virtual button would be a RULE that I can use to command the keypad to change its state. I tried this route and could not find any options that were available for the keypad.
I'm having almost the same issue. Is there anyway to directly change the keypads state other than the device menu?
Actually i think i got it working using rule machine and a custom command to change the keypad state
The Centralite 3400-G keypad is supported using the Nyckelharpa app's Centralitex keypad driver.
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