Control and Query your Tesla vehicles (via

My parking garage is underground and unfortunately my car is often unreachable because there’s not cellular signal, and no Wi-Fi that the garage will allow me to access. I was seeing offline via TeslaMate and Tesla App was unable to connect either, but still seeing online here, so that’s what made me wonder. I’ll continue to monitor with the new version to see if the status does update to offline when my car goes offline again.


Did u update?

Hello -- I am trying to create some automation around my trunk auto opening/closing. In my RM rule, I have a step to:

but am getting this error in the logs:
dev:3882024-03-03 16:12:35.996errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_lgkahn_tessieVehicle_785.openOrCloseRearTrunk() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [Close] Possible solutions: openOrCloseRearTrunk() on line 6332 (method openOrCloseRearTrunk)

I was hoping you could give me ant pointers/assistance with this rule.


there is no parameter.. the open close is one api and just either opens or closes it depending on state..

check the tessie api defitions that is they way they wrote it.

another way to verify whether parameters are needed or not is check the device panel for your car.. as seen below you would see there are no parameters for that command

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you can write an if in your rule if you are concerned about only closing it and check the attribute to see if it is open before calling the close command.

since i have an older model 3 non powered.. not really an issue for me lol.

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Thanks @kahn-hubitat -- that fixed it for me!

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@kahn-hubitat Is there anything you can do in this app to prevent it from deleting the car devices when there is a connectivity issue with Tessie?

I started getting rate limit errors for both of my cars this morning, and after opening the app to see what was going on, both cars disappeared and my many rules that include the cars were broken. I restored from my daily backup, but this is the second time I've had this happen and I'd prefer to avoid restoring from backup if that's possible.

Dont progress through the initial page when no cars are showing.

OK, I got it, but it looks like its RN is now cached as "don't display" because it's not in the dropdown list. @kahn-hubitat, how can I force the list of cars to be rechecked?

if you go to the intial page and the query works ok it will find the car there and show it in the list and when you submit thorugh it will see the car already exists and all will be ok..

the issue is when you go to the initial page if the query fails for some reason like above during network connections and the car IS NOT in the list.. it assumes you want to remove it when you submit through so DONT in that case.

if it is not in the drop down list check the logs in debug either your tessie token is wrong or the tesla token direct on tesla or network issues.. check if the car is even on tessie.

tesla fi? You mean Tessie?
Looks like a network issue, now works. Thanks!

new version in github.

v 1.98 4/30/24

add command to get battery health (which shows battery degradation) and fill in related attributes, add option to get this data on:

never, on every refresh or only on reenable if using that.

Since this is not really needed all the time, recommend if using set to only-on-reenable (assuming you use the sleep at night option to save on queries).
This adds the following attributes: batteryCapacity, batteryOriginalCapacity, batteryDegradation, batteryHealth.

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Getting the following error:

I updated the driver code - anything else I should update?

Did u update via package manager or manual. Both app and driver need updating

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Yea, that was my mistake - I updated only the driver. I assumed it would not yet be updatable in HPM… That’ll teach me!

Update: Updating via HPM and it worked on the first try. 95.6% battery health on 59k KM (37k Miles)… I think that is respectable.

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Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I just installed this via Hubitat Package Manager. When I generated the Tessie access token and entered it, it gave me three vehicles to choose from. All three of these are loaners. I currently have a 2018 Model 3 Perf and a 2022 Model X. Neither of them appear in the list.

Looking at the logs, I can see my two vehicles appear.

Here's a redacted snippet of what I'm seeing:

app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.621 AM info Found Vehicle 10498-----: null, vin: 5YJ3E1EB3J--------
app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.620 AM debug vin = 5YJ3E1EB3J-------
app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.619 AM debug vehicle name = null
app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.619 AM debug vehicle id= 10498-----
app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.447 AM debug last_state = [access_type:OWNER, api_version:73, backseat_token:null, backseat_ [...]

Could it be that my vehicles don't have names? Naming vehicles is a new-to-me feature. It didn't exist when we bought our first Tesla in early 2013 since it was later introduced in 2014. I don't really see the point of naming vehicles, so I never got around to doing it, but I noticed over the years, there are minor UI bugs on the Tesla website, in the apps, and in the car that don't handle an unnamed car that well.

And another datapoint from the logs... Two of the three loaners had the name "Loaner," but the third one with the long name, "Tesla 2252176579854749," appears to possibly have a zero-length string for a name, whereas my vehicles all have a proper null string.

app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.253 AM info Found Vehicle 2252176579854749: , vin: 7SAYGDEE5PA------
app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.252 AM debug vin = 7SAYGDEE5PA------
app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.252 AM debug vehicle name =
app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.251 AM debug vehicle id= 2252176579854749
app:8262024-05-07 04:05:41.077 AM debug last_state = [access_type:null, api_version:73, back

Check direct on tessie. What do u see there. I believe the issue is there.

Also if they are all your vehicles it doesnt really matter. Let it add them and change the name in the created driver. If they are not your vehicles it is a tesla or tessie issue.