Control and Query your Tesla vehicles (via

there is also a garmin app that i use.. that goes through tessie . not by them a third party app.

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I asked the dev to add < > back and forward buttons to the dates to make navigation easier instead of always clicking on the calendar. Good to see he's open to suggestions.

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You can also use the Tessie app as a key, replacing the Tesla application entirely.

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Maybe you can, but their app does have extras over Tessie that are not related to controls.

I wonder what is missing in Tessie? It's been a while since I needed the Tesla app. I can think about service requests. What else?

For one off the top of my head is auto-tagging drives. Sure it's not essential, but it's nice.

Now I’m curious! What is that? I don’t recall seeing this option in the app…?

I think this is phrased backwards. The Tessie app has auto-tagging of location for drives, whereas the Tesla app does not have that.


Oops... I misread the origional question in haste. I was thinking of TeslaFi as opposed to the actual Tesla app. My bad.


@kahn-hubitat - Is attribute state being used any longer? It looks like it’s not being updated and is inconsistent with currentVehicleState. I perused the driver code, and can’t find it being used. Should it be removed from attributes?

yes . its coming direct from tessie'

ie app

used in driver

but you are right it will never change and probably can be removed.. maybe in next version.

Both come from Tesla, and they mean different things. status indicates the sleep/wake state, whereas state indicates whether the online/offline state (I.E. the vehicle has an active connection to Tesla).

The vehicle going offline can happen. TeslaFi actually has a warning that it issues when it happens, which went off for one of our cars every few weeks (for several years). In the last few months of using TeslaFi the warnings stopped, so I suspect (hope) that the issue was addressed by a firmware update. However, after adopting Tessie I turned off all other polling sources, including TeslaFi, so I can't really say for sure.


however the way the code works none of the data will be processed if it is not online.. not sure how to actually test that case (ie force offline) to see if the data can even be processed. so for now if it is not online nothing comes back.. and you just get an error that no data was returned,...

Power the vehicle off and wait. It may take a few hours...

i dont think it stays off that is just a cold boot

maybe if you dont touch the pedal but i think as soon as there is any power ie open close door it boots.. will try it..

i think if it is not online the data is not valid anyway.. for now i will just return a special case with only state:offline if it is not online and process that..

no use in trying to process bogus old data in any case...

Not cold boot, actual power off. There is a power off option in the Safety menu.

YMMV, but I would find it useful for the same purpose that TeslaFi did, which is to issue a warning that something is potentially wrong with the vehicle.

ya i am not saying get rid of it.. i am trying to change code to sense it.. mark offline in state but ignore the rest of the data if any as it will be bogus or suspect if offline anyway..

and this i can test easily by reversing the logic in the app and returning offline to make sure it processes correctly..

the alternative hard method may be to wrap the mirror in farday fabric.. but from what i found that is very difficult as even the slightest hole can let signal in.

ok version 1.97 in git hub.. on rare occasion car is offline. should sense it and report in the state attribute..

prior it would just ignore all data