Contact support in groups

Would it be possible to add contacts to the groups app?

I’ve cobbled together a virtual contact and a bunch of rules so that if all the exterior contacts are closed the virtual one is and if one is open the virtual is open.

It would be really nice for this to be in the groups and scenes app rather than having to do it in rule machine.

You could use a Hybrid Virtual Driver for your Virtual Contact. A hybrid driver mixes two Capabilities.. a switch (Actuator) and some Sensor.

The Contact changes are reflected into the switch and vise versa. You can then use the Switch side of the virtual device for Scenes.

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Maybe I am missing it, How would I use a hybrid driver with the z-wave contacts?

That Virtual Contact uses the internal Virtual Contact driver, correct?

Replace it with the Virtual Contact Hybrid Driver, which gives you the contact you already have and a switch that tracks the contact.

I see what you mean. that still leaves me hacking together the virtual contact in rule machine.

You may have misstated the original problem.. OR, I misread it.

You want to add a Contact to a Group or Scene, but it's not a selection that's offered... so I'm saying "How about a switch?" Could you select a switch and have it do what you need? If Yes, then use the VirtualContactHybrid to get a switch that tracks the Contact.

Yes, sorry for the confusion.

My use case is creating a group (maybe a scene is better?) of three physical contact sensors. That would then show a group device that is open if one of the physical contacts is open and closed if all the physical contacts is closed.

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More like Group than scene - you're not going to command the contact sensors to be open or closed, but you want to have them in a group where if any is open, the group is shown as open. Makes sense to me. (But then, I also eat peanut butter and bacon sandwiches.)

This can be done in the Event Engine app as can select multiple devices and choose "Or" as the event engne kick-off requirement, so that if any of them are open, the automation runs.

But having it as a contact group allows using/re-using that group across different automations if desired.

This seems most like the Zone Motion Controller app, which groups motion sensors together and creates a single virtual motion device that reports motion if any sensor in the group shows motion.

We need a Zone Contact Controller app. :slight_smile:

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And there you go! Did not konw about this. (Or maybe just forgot I knew about it.) :wink:

I’ll look into that app. It would still be nice to have a native app.