💡 Configuring EZ Dashboard for Mobile use with separate areas

EZ dashboard for Mobile devices does not allow the use of the navigation button to access other screens such as lighting, sensors or other any other screen you have created for your mobile device like you can locally.

Link to thread that started this adventure - Updated to .141 and have mobile screen working via cloud however - - #5 by dpdurst

What I've done is separated each area using a virtual image tile and a label so that as I scroll down I have a main area for presence, doors, locks, mode and HSM status tile, then a tile that is a virtual tile with an image and label for all my lights and finally another virtual time with an image and label for all my sensors in the house such as water, smoke/co2 and repeaters. This gives a clean way to separate all area's and kind of a way to jump to a specific section if you want to check on something.

To configure this create a new virtual dashboard as an image device, give it a name and select the create button



Once you have done that go to your devices and find your newly created virtual image device and open it up and you will configure the commands area in red as shown below

I grabbed a few images off the internet that had a valid URL that I could paste in the web browser and make sure they opened up the image I wanted and then pasted that URL into the string line of the Set Image Url area and pressed the setimageurl button to save it. I then set the refresh rate to 0 as well and pressed that button to save the setting and the settings should show up on the right side of the screen configured, then you want to press the save preferences button at the bottom in red

Now you can configure your mobile ez dashboard and using the above method and can have separate area's easy to find without having just one giant area with everything mixed in.

Below is what you can do with a little creativity (click image for full screen)


Very cleaver and great idea!

This is similar to the functionality I was asking for when requesting a text label to separate functional groups of devices. I still hope the developers will consider the text box approach but very much like this approach as well. I may use this as an interim approach for several key groups.

Thank you!

  • Don
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This is currently in development :wink:


Awh man. This is great. Thank you :grinning::+1::+1:

I've been wanting to be able to create nestable room for the EZ dashboard like we have for the classic dashboard mostly because right now I can't choose to show just the EZ dashboards and when they had the navigation button inside a dashboard/room on phones it didn't scroll, and now it is simply gone.

So I was hoping there was a way I could create a virtual button device and when that button was pushed it would go to a URL, which I would copy by actually going to an EZ dashboard room and then pasting it into a button pushed action (like how you pasted in a URL for an image). Is there anyway to use a virtual device directly, or with a rule, that when pushed it would go to a URL (which would then have the same effect as nesting a dashboard/room)?

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...and is live:

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Was out of town and couldn't wait to get back and implement it. Was so easy to implement and worked perfectly!

Thank you again.


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