[Comments & Feedback] Most Popular Water Sensors in 2023

Please use this thread to add comments and feedback to any of the nominees: Most Popular Water Sensors in 2023

Another vote for Third Reality. I've never heard from mine and it's been under the dishwasher for two years. Out of curiosity I dug it out and tested it and sure enough it's still working.


Aeotec SmartThings Water Leak Sensor. Zigbee. I have quite a few and they seem work well.

Wouldn't mind seeing how you've made that connection for a pressure pad (in some other thread someday).

My dishwasher and refrigerator Third Reality sensors are pretty well buried. The long battery life is definitely a plus. I have the tabs bent down so they touch the floor.

I really like the Aeotec (samjin) leak sensors and the Linkind leak sensors. They have worked great for me on my C-5 and now C-8 for a long time. Battery life is excellent (especially for the Linkind) and I have continued to report in without fail. Unfortunately, the Aeotec ones are double the price they were when Samsung was selling them, and it seems that the Linkind are no longer available. I also have an Ecolink z-wave leak detector with the pigtail sensor that has been in my crawlspace for years and continues to work with the original battery.

The linkind sensor has not been nominated, You may want to consider submitting the nomination for this sensor individually, as a stand alone device. Most Popular devices for Water Damage Prevention in 2023

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Those have been very good performers here too. I have the high-sensativity option (now standard I believe) on all of them. They're jumpy little guys, but that's not a bad thing in my opinion. Long battery life like you mention is definately a plus, since changing the battery is such a pain. I've had one fail, but they replaced it without too much push-back. The fact that they beep is a very welcome addition versus the Xaiomi and Centralite leak sensors.


This is so true...took just a few seconds to attach a couple wires to one of these to sense water level in my water softener salt bin w/out having to leave the sensor down in the area where the water would rise to. Very nice feature.

Has anyone looked for inexpensive bulk sensor cable? Seems like it ought to be easy enough to add it to the terminals on many leak detectors for better coverage.

Best I can find so far is 10m for about $35 shipped.


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