Color animation ERROR

I installed the build in 'color animation' app...
Created a 'child instance' or rule if you may call it.
What i have seen online i should get a new device called like i named it in my case 'testing' or connector but that doesn't happen.
When I click the gear icon from 'testing' in the app list I get some error.

so I check the logs and find this...

don't know what to do or how to fix it???
Running a C5 and tried philips hue color bulbs as well with a color ledstrip, not from philips hue.

It seems the problem is already on the radar... but i didn't saw it a known issue list or something.

Thanks for your feedback. This is already on our radar as reported on the other thread. There is no need to post the same issue in multiple threads. Will move your post back to the other thread, shortly.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Color animation app