Color animation app

Had to wait years for a color app that Does not work. Throws errors all the time

There is a better chance of getting help or a fix if you share a screenshot of Logs showing the specific errors you are receiving, along with an explanation of when. FWIW, a quick test for me with an RGBW bulbs and a few colors in the table worked without problem.


I must be having a senior moment, but I can't find this new "Color Animations" app (I'm successfully on .152) - where does it live?

Under Apps > Add Built-In App, like normal, but if you just updated, try waiting a few minutes before loading this page and see if that changes anything. (Last I knew, the hub made a cache of this list, and it could take a minute or two the first time after a platform update to see changes.)


Thanks Robert - I forgot about that cache gotcha...

I updated a couple hours ago, but still nothing. I just did a reboot ~10 minutes ago, and nothing yet but we'll see if it pops up later this afternoon

Thanks again!

Huh, still not showing up for me... I have a couple new devices I'll be installing in the next couple days, so I'll see if it shakes loose with one of the reboots/resets I'll inevitably have to do with those.

I don't have a need for this app, but now I'm just irked it's not showing up. FOMO, I guess :sweat_smile:

It's there for me. Now where are the docs on using it?

I just tried it - works and no errors.

Coming soon. :slight_smile: But the only thing I can think of that may not be apparent from the UI (which explains anything it does) is that it creates a "connector" device you can use to start/stop without needing to use the app itself.


That alone was super helpful.

I'm looking for a way to "wave" seven colors across five LIFX bulbs. Am I building out the colors/bulb in the "connector" or the bulbs/color?

You use the app to define the colors (and amount of time, etc.) you want. The role of the connector is to allow stopping/starting of the color animation, say as part of another automation, so you don't need to go into the app and do it "manually."

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How do you recall the connector? In RM for example? Is it classed as a scene?

It is a switch you can turn on or off.

Good morning I tried the new colour animator app but it won't create the the child part. I use all settings as is and elect a blue color. I then do a save and this is what I get:

app:19772023-06-23 11:16:13.139 Device type 'Color Animation Activator' in namespace 'hubitat' not found on line 148 (method mainPage)

app:19782023-06-23 11:14:59.245 Device type 'Color Animation Activator' in namespace 'hubitat' not found on line 148 (method mainPage)

app:19772023-06-23 11:13:05.823 Device type 'Color Animation Activator' in namespace 'hubitat' not found on line 148 (method mainPage)

app:19772023-06-23 11:12:39.914 Device type 'Color Animation Activator' in namespace 'hubitat' not found on line 148 (method mainPage)

app:19772023-06-23 11:10:42.700 Device type 'Color Animation Activator' in namespace 'hubitat' not found on line 148 (method mainPage)

as can be seen I tried several times with no luck this is what it shows when it tries to create the child

Unexpected Error

An unexpected error has occurred trying to load the app. Check Logs for more information.

Error: Device type 'Color Animation Activator' in namespace 'hubitat' not found

I have a C7 Hub. using a Sengled Element Plus and driver: Zigbee generic driver


I'd suggest rebooting your hub (from Settings), waiting a few minutes after it comes back up, and trying again.

Thank you for your responding so fast. I have done this several time, removed all apps cleaned up and the reboot the hub from settings. The only thing I did not do was shutdown wait and reboot, which I will do now.


I installed, then waited a couple of hours and tried new Safari and new Chrome windows, tried opening new tabs, tried refreshing my pages, but it isn't appearing as an installed app. Any ideas as to why it isn't there?

Did you look under Apps / Built-in App?

Same here - I installed .152 ~24 hours ago and I've done one reboot since then too -- still nothing for me.

I'll be installing a new device later this afternoon, so I will play around with full shut-downs etc after that.

But yeah, I've never run into this before... .152 is otherwise working great for me though.

Here is a screenshot of my A-D built in apps as about 2:15 p.m. I installed about 11:30 a.m., so it's been hours and, as mentioned above took several steps to be sure it was refreshed, so it should have been in there:

BTW, you can see the Chromecast Integration (beta) is there, so it seems to be otherwise working.