Coffee makers that work with smart plugs?

I really want the ninja hot and cold but it doesn’t look like that will work. If not a smart plug one that connects with h.a or Hubitat thank you

I have the original version Ninja Coffee bar, and I am seriously wondering. Why would you want it integrated to Hubitat? All a smart plug does is apply power, and take power away, at least to the appliance it is attached to.

If you want to remotely start the brew cycle at a variable time remotely via your phone or something, then yeah, just get a regular Mr. Coffee with just a plain switch, no options, and leave the switch to the on position...

If you are looking for setting the coffee to start the brew cycle for example 10 minutes before your alarm goes off in the morning, get the Ninja, plug it into a regular wall plug, load the water and coffee in it, then use the timer function. You can select the brew type (strength), brew quantity, and the exact time it sets off the brew cycle.

I set mine for the dark brew cycle and a full carafe every morning for 10 minutes before my alarm goes off. By the time I get up, and out of bed, toilet used and teeth brushed, the brew cycle is done, and the remaining drips from the brew basket are fully done, and I can easily pour my first mug of coffee and get on with my day...

I just looked up the Hot and Cold Brewing system and it looks to be just an update, same carafe and everything as mine, but you get a built in frother, and some sort of scale / measuing for grounds in the brew basket. So yeah, kind of the same thing just a newer version...

I'd stick with the timer / program function and call it good.

I’m working from home now and don’t have kids or anything to get ready so I wake up when I wake up. Sometimes 6am, sometimes 9am. I’d like a “good morning” routine that starts a brew.

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Okay, I see...

To ge the extended functions of a high end brewer like the Ninja, it's just not going to work with a smart plug. You are literally going to need, well... a smart brewer that allows you to integrate say wtih Alexa routines to get where you are trying to go.

While not the Ninja, maybe something like the Atomi 2nd gen WiFi coffee maker? It has Alexa integration, adjustable brew strengths (regular or dark). Not as adjustable, but certainly something workable for your goals I think...

It IS really nice to be able to get up in the morning and have the coffee ready when I roll out of bed.

Of course if you just need a carafe of coffee made at whenever your routine fires off, then a smart plug and any old plain non digital coffee brewer with an on / off switch left to the on position will do the job.

Heck, if you were local I'd give you my old one. I have a Mr. Coffee I bought about 6 months prior to when COVID kicked off, and I was working a different job. Once I left the job I took my coffee maker home with me... (Cheap organization wouldn't provide coffee, coffee maker, nothing. We were lucky to get water...)

I'd like to find a zigbee zwave solution as well. Right now we have an Alexa integrated coffee maker that works fine, but it's the last device before I can delete the Alexa app. Integrated with hubitat would be awesome because my wife and I are early birds that always get up before the alarm. We never what time that's gonna happen and it would be awesome if coffee could start once the house new the master bedroom was alive again.

Lol. I’ve been looking at mr coffee. Do I need a thermal carafe? Never made coffee before. I’ve been spending $4 everyday at Starbucks for a black coffee

My wife grinds her own beans. Once you take coffee to that level, store bought just won't cut it anymore.

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I'm a coffee purist so my answer does not apply if your preferred cup comes from the gas station. Starbucks is a step above for sure.

You need a thermal carafe. Otherwise your coffee maker uses a hot plate to cook your coffee into oblivion. In my not-very-humble opinion you also should grind your beans fresh every morning with a burr grinder (never a blade), and you should "wet" the beans before making the full pot.

If anyone sees an automated coffee maker that does all that please let me know. I would prefer some sort of HE integration but I would settle for Alexa.

That’s what I want to do. How far out can you grind them? Every night?



Are you pulling m leg?

Just in the off chance you aren't, hard to tell here. But no. Not unless you are leaving it all day and don't want it to get cold...

Egad. They should be ground right before they go into the filter.

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I’m not ready for all that. I just want on par with dunkin or Starbucks. Do I need to drink everyday for that quality? I just moved and the nearest Starbucks is a 15 minute drive now

I wasn’t, usually me and my wife wake an hr apart

Opinions vary but the one who wakes last is gonna get a nasty cup o' joe.

Aside from griding, and no I have not gone the burr grinder method yet. And honestly I am too lazy to do it in the morning, but my routine is...

#!. I have the Ninja Auto IQ Kitchen system, A.K.A. the big blender, with the coffee grinder attachment. I put 1 fill of beans in, grind for 10 seconds, take it off, shake vigorosly, it back on, grind an additional 10 to 15 seconds to achieve the correct coarseness of the grounds.

#2. Pour said grinder cup directly into the brewer basket with freshly washed basket, and permanent filter. Make sure the water chamber is clean and full, and the carafe, I have the thermal is empty and clean.

#3. Verify the time on the clock is right, and push the timed brew button. Wait for it to flash the types and select Rich brew. I then proceed to go to bed.

#4. I get up in the morning, do my sanitation routine, and head to the kitchen to find a beautiful carafe of hot coffee is waiting patiently for me to enjoy it.

Now, I do not know of any smart / automated ways to get the beans freshly ground, I guarantee that will act as its own alarm by the way, followed up by setting a brew cycle to a custom strength, with a delayed bloom time, which is the initial dampening, then pause, then proceed with the brew cycle, this allows the beans to release flavors without being bitter...

A standard brewer like a Mr. Coffee has a heating plate to keep the coffee hot, it effectively will reduce the brewed coffee to a nasty industrial sludge that is only good for nefarious military purposes involving torture.

So what I am getting at, and I may be wrong, but if you want a GOOD cup of coffee on a frequently shifting schedule, get something like the Ninja, and just push the brew button before you head to the bathroom, and it will be waiting for you when you get out. It won't be super convenient.

If you want a convenient cup of coffee triggered by an automation at whatever times you dream up, get a basic brewer and a smart plug, the resulting coffee will be pretty ordinary though...

I am admittedly a bit of a coffee afficianado. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest with the coffee scene that spawned Starbucks, Dutch Brothers, and Seattles Best... This is an area where I feel there is a bit of craft to it. And if it weren't for me trying to get a move on in the morning a bit faster, I would do my grind in the AM...

Not sure, my wife does it. She has some little canister she puts them into that sucks the air out when you close the lid to keep it fresh. She doesn't grind every night, but maybe once a week? Not sure. But it always tastes good to me.

The Oxo has a nice thermal carafe and a spray head to wet the grounds before brewing. Mine doesn't have any integrated grinding - I don't know if they have a higher end model that might include that. I would be afraid it would be a poor grinder.

Hmmm can I get away with pushing one button on the ninja? Switchbot maybe?

But will it work with a smart plug?