we have decided to open the website.
Although not everything is finished and not all apps/drivers are updated, we decided we couldn't make you wait any longer
we have decided to open the website.
Although not everything is finished and not all apps/drivers are updated, we decided we couldn't make you wait any longer
This was really nice and well-awaited news!
Thank you for your fantastic work on this!
Well, we thought it might give people something to do whilst on 'lockdown'
Congrats Andy and @Royski
@Royski has worked really hard to get this up and running
Congratulations @Cobra and @Royski! The new website looks and works great! Very nicely done! I especially like the detailed documentation for each App & Driver.
Thank you both for your contributions to the Hubitat Community!
we are quite proud of what we have done so far
Congrats on the launch. I'm sure you will make a lot of people happy.
Must take a look.
Well done guys.
I am unable to see anything. I get a big notice about app upgrading that can not be dismissed.
You must be looking on you phone.
The website is behind that! if you can click anywhere else then it should disappear
That was it. Thanks.
Thanks both, I've logged in and had a look around, I'll try and install/run some of the apps later on.
Thank you Andy. The announcement email gave me a nice laugh too. Very funny!
Thank you. I've also given it a once-over. I'll be back later when I have time for a more thorough look.
Hi Guys,
Read through your About section and great to "get to know" you guys.
I'm been on both Smartthings and now Hubitat and its very visible the value you both bring to both communities. The site is great!
Thanks for your support to all things Hubitat and beyond.
Thank you for the site. Looking forward to be a part of the journey.
I did have issues with the navigation on Safari on my iPad, but it works in Chrome.
Little X in the bottom right corner.
I had to sign in twice to find it. Lol.
Thanks Cobra... I wish everybody think like you.... I mean to contribute with something to this situation. All those must be a hard work for sure... I'm in Cuba and I can't contribute with money unfortunately because I can't make transactions from here but I hope our colleagues at least make a donation after use some of your work and realize is working (just saying..... ).
Hi everyone. Just got provisioned access to the site a looking around. Have to say, great job! Seeing lots of cool little apps that I haven't even noticed despite always checking the forums here. Can't wait to try some out. Thanks!