Ok, so after restarting and forcing a few diff test rules to try and get some feedback the hub started to slow down and not respond to web requests but here is what it posted to the logs....
app:1522021-08-26 15:08:52.206 warnmethod appButtonHandler of child app TestVolume ran for 307,002ms
dev:32021-08-26 15:08:51.114 infoNestMiniToyRoom media source is Hubitat
dev:1622021-08-26 15:08:50.459 errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: su.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: No application is running in ChromeCast (method runQ)
dev:1622021-08-26 15:08:50.341 warnmethod setVolume of device All Devices ran for 319,959ms
dev:1622021-08-26 15:08:50.188 warnmethod setVolume of device All Devices ran for 304,935ms
dev:52021-08-26 15:08:49.691 errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: su.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Waiting for response timed out (method parse)
dev:412021-08-26 15:07:48.393 warnmethod parse of device NestMiniLivingRoom ran for 313,962ms
dev:412021-08-26 15:07:48.388 infoNestMiniLivingRoom media source is None
dev:62021-08-26 15:07:35.571 infoNestMiniMasterBedroom media source is None
dev:392021-08-26 15:07:35.544 infoNestMiniBackRoom media source is None
dev:82021-08-26 15:07:35.535 infoNestMiniGroundFloorBathroom media source is None
dev:22021-08-26 15:07:35.517 infoNestMiniKitchen media source is None
dev:72021-08-26 15:07:35.449 infoNestMiniEnSuite media source is None
dev:42021-08-26 15:07:35.439 infoNestMiniLanding media source is None
dev:32021-08-26 15:07:35.430 infoNestMiniToyRoom media source is None
dev:52021-08-26 15:07:35.370 infoNestMaxKitchen media source is Default Remote Control CAF
dev:1532021-08-26 15:07:17.090 errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Connection has been shutdown: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe (Write failed) (method parse)
dev:52021-08-26 15:03:36.639 errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: su.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Waiting for response timed out (method parse)