Chrome won't connect my local Hubitat Hub

I'm using a Mac, Studio 2022, OS 15.3.1. trying to connect to my local Hubitat Hub and it says "This site can’t be reached - is unreachable". When I use Safari it works just fine. I can't seem to find any settings in Chrome that are preventing this. Any suggestions?

Hub C8,

Please provide your hub model (C7, C8, etc.) and its platform version from Settings>Hub Details.

Check out the following post for help troubleshooting problems and gathering details that will help others to identify and solve the problem you are experiencing: ‼ READ FIRST - Before Posting in Get Help

Have you tried emptying the cache and removing all cookies from Chrome?

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Chrome will pop up a message asking if it can connect to devices on your local network. If you answer No, then it won't find your hub. That may be what happened to you. If that's the case, you should be able to quit Chrome and relaunch and it will again be able to access the hub. Sometimes I find a browser tab just craps out and I have to close it and open a new one. Chrome seems to be getting worse as time goes on.

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