Cast-web porting help - SOLVED

It can't be turned off for GH, GH mini or any of the speakers with built in Google Assistant. The "cast tone" can only be turned off for Chromecast audio.

Has anyone actually gotten the speak text or speak or anything TTS other than broadcast to all devices to work? I keep getting an error in cast-web. It was working a while ago but seems to have died all of a sudden.

Is working for me. I use the hubitat tts though not googles.

Yeah, I'm trying to do the same. I keep getting:
dev:5302018-11-16 08:49:23.876 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: dev1542343491814217809674.textToSpeech() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) values: [Testing, true] on line 357 (speak)

I'm not trying to broadcast to all devices, only send TTS to one through the speak command, which i was always able to do (and still can) in ST.

Ah yes I had to modify a line in the driver to make it work.. Give me a few I will post.

Looks like this is what I did - shows as line 412-420 in my ide. Just modified that last return line.

   def speak(phrase, resume = false) {
        if(settings.googleTTS && settings.googleTTSLanguage){
            if(settings.googleTTS==true) {
                return playTrack( phrase, 0, 0, true, settings.googleTTSLanguage )
        //return playTrack( speak(phrase, true).uri, 0, 0, true )
        return playTrack( textToSpeech(phrase).uri, 0, 0, true )

Okay..."phrase,true" changed to "phrase".

That did it!!! Thank you!!!! :+1:

And on a side note, what is the TTS engine? Some of these voices are F-ing creepy!!!

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sticks to my motto - whatever works :slight_smile:

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I think hubitat uses the amazon Polly tts or some such. Quite the variety. I like the British guy Brian...

Thanks all, got this running with the edits

+1 from me.
I'd be very happy to see TTS added in your Rev 1 if it'd work with a Home Mini.


Not sure how I missed this but that's ALL I want. I personally don't play music a lot and if I do it's through the stereo which I don't care about notifications. This would be a very welcome addition for me!!!

So trying to get this working. I have both device drivers up and the app. It communicates fine and returns ok but it never loads any of the devices. I made the drop down menu change mentioned above.

Might have missed an earlier reply but why not use the built in Chromecast support now?

Because it doesn’t seem to support slider volume whereas this does. I was pointed to try this

Huh. I set volume all the time. At least as an integer.

How? With the native integration the only place you can do that is from the Device edit page. To set it via a dashboard or through a rule you have to create a custom command with the volume as a parameter of the volume you want. So, one command per level. that's the only way to use the native integration to set volume.

Oh I created two custom commands for the only two volumes I would ever want.
Announce: 80
Normal: 60

Didn't see you were trying to do this without custom commands...
I wonder if ShapTools has any TTS functionality in their rule engine.

Edit: it appears to!

How would that help you? You would still need a separate rule for each level, wouldn't you? Or does that support variables? I haven't looked at it much. I have it, just never seemed worth digging into.

I suppose I don't understand the requirements.
Can't you just yell at the assistant device to set it's volume?
My ShapTools can set the volume multiple times throughout a rule without a custom commands.
They don't have global variables though as far as I see.