LOL...memories. I started w/fountain pens in the late 60's i n elementary school...I thought they were SO cool, and had several cheap Scheaffers. Ink everywhere, my mom almost banished them when I got ink on one of our couches...
My son picked up my habit in his 20's and still loves fountain pens, and also has a collection of vintage mechanical watches. What goes around comes around.
I sometimes use a rapidograph pen... They are nice when you want a sharp line.
also the old drafting mechanical pencils with the huge lead that you have to use a rotary pencil pointer to sharpen.....
and Pink Pearl ereasers and Staedtler mars-plastic erasers.
OH the days.....
Still have all of those in my Staedtler-mars drafters pouch (one side blue and the other side transparent) and actually use them once in a while when sketching stuff and don't have the computer with me on site. I taught those were expensive items in those days when I started out...
Nowadays it's more like $5,000 laptop, $120 mouse, $500 3DConexxion space mouse and $15,000 of software. Hmmm but what would take 1 month to do 40 years ago can now be done in a day or so and edits are way easier
I'm wondering WHAT ?! What happened and how?
And, to address your opening question; It's similar to when someone trips and falls. You will get help, but we'll also have to laugh. We'll help put out the fire while we laugh out loud!
It probably did not help the hair growth treatments though, unless like a forrest, fire triggers seed growth!