Inspired in part by the excellent and entertaining Cars of Hubitat thread I thought it would also be entertaining and fun to take a break and share some cartoons, memes, funny stuff, life. Cartoons, memes, and humor of any type (except political stuff and of course jokes about my hair) are welcome, and if you have someting related to smart homes you might get an extra point or two.
My first entry...something I often experience on a daily basis. But don't get me wrong, I don't wear a vest around the house.
When you walk from one room to another, and forget why you left that room, that is called the doorway effect. Very common. Happens to a lot of people. From what I read, when you go through the doorway, your brain assumes what was in that room is not important, and files it away. Sometimes the only way to remember where you were going is to go back in that room.