Cartoons (& Memes & Weird Funny Stuff) of Hubitat

:rofl: yeah, I console myself by by not acting my age :rofl:


Nice name change for the thread... :slight_smile:


Hehe, I love this forum! :heart_eyes:


Yeah I realized this thread had grown beyond the initial simple cartoon category. And I love it. :+1::rofl:


I just don't know what to say about this. It's either the cutest family pet story ever, or the weirdest. Likely both. One word of wording - do not start a fight over the remote with him. :wink:


:rofl: as an Aussie, that really makes me grin! You don’t want to mess with wild kangaroos, but tame ones are like a good dog, very people oriented and very intelligent.


Yeah there was sort of cuddliness to him, but it's just a bit odd\creepy to have a pet that can can stand up and look you in the eye. Like one day he's going to take my keys away from me and take my car for a joyride. :wink:

There's an exhibit now in the Safari Park in San Diego (run by the San Diego Zoo) that that is an open exhibit area. Once you enter it you're in the same space with all the kangaroos. They have regular kangaroos and wallabies. No fences, you just kind of hang out with them in the exhibit. The kangaroos are very calm and see mostly uninterested in people. Very fun experience to see them up close.


Kangaroos are great animals and very chilled, although the perception that Aussies see them hopping around suburban streets is unfortunately not true (sure would be fun tho).

The animals you really need to watch out for are the drop bears, they don't mind living in suburbia. :rofl:


Clearly the animals need to watch out for are Australians. :rofl::hugs:


Sadly, this is actually the truth! :cry:


It is also difficult to look after then when they do become sick or injured. Apparently they are very fussy eaters and they typically need to source the leaves from the same trees that the Koala is used to, otherwise they won't eat them. I went to a local sanctuary / hospital for Koala's. Beautiful place, but expensive to run, relying largely on volunteers and fund-raising.

We also have Kangaroos in the street occasionally that come out of the nearby Golf Course. Was impressed when the local matriarch (a retired lady who used to live across the road) came out and shoo'ed away a male Kangaroo much bigger than her.

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Nice, we get kookaburras and Rosellas in our yard + Possums, but kangaroos aren’t common in the Yarra Ranges.

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You guys export a lot of kangaroo meat as well... We have a few restaurants here in Pittsburgh that keep it on the menu and a couple of markets that sell it. I've been wanting to try kangaroo steak forever... (I like a lot of non traditional meat)


It’s really good but needs to be on the rare side of medium or it’s really tough. It’s got a very different flavour to beef, but is pretty darn tasty!

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Cooked meat is bad meat....(well except for chicken and pork)

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True, medium rare is my favourite way to eat steak.

For me 10-20 seconds each side...(Not kidding)

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Nice. Kangaroo has less fat than beef so it’s critical that it’s not over cooked as it’ll loose the juiciness.


If you like exotic meats and are ever near Nairobi, Kenya, check out this place:

Difficulty NOT vegan/vegetarian friendly by any stretch of the imagination. Loved the Thomson's gazelle, zebra & warthog, did NOT like the crocodile... probably never go back though, it was too over the top.


Feels like the kind of place where if you order the rump steak you might get the strange looks...

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