Cartoons (& Memes & Weird Funny Stuff) of Hubitat

I've got my stove burners monitored via hidden contact sensors and can see on/off status when I'm home via LED strip under the cabinet base that lights red up if any burners are on, and get notifications remotely via rule that notifies me if I'm gone and any burners are on.

These type of safety-related IoT kitchen/appliance integrations (is something on or off) are the ones I'm most interested in, beyond the washer/dryer "cycle is finished" notifications I have set up via power monitoring, and leak sensing.

If I could also turn off the stove gas burners & oven remotely that would be nice, but I can always come back to do it myself or ask a neighbor.

I run my smoker on an Auber PID Controller and can access it remotely for status or to turn it on/off, etc., via its app/VPN if I have to leave during a long smoke, which I really like.


Hey - where the heck are the cartoons/jokes/memes/funny stuff?!? :wink:



These Knobs Make Dumb Stoves Smart - YouTube

Something like that I would find useful I think, especially with young kids in my house. How did you rig the contact sensors?

Their web called "Ome."

$1,000 for a 6-burner stove (four pack + 2 individual knobs)...that just ain't happening.

Plus you have to charge the knobs. Plus they want a subscription:

Interesting idea, but not for me.


It requires access to the space behind your burner knobs and room there to mount contact sensors, and a way to mount a magnet in the back of your knobs. Also needs small sensors to make things worked for me/my DCS cooktop, but not necessarily something that is generally applicable on other cooktop models/brands, unfortunately.

I'm currently using Aqara contact sensors as they are tiny, and have very long-lasting batteries, longer than the Visonic sensors you'll see in the photos that I was initially using.

If your wife is OK w/contact sensors attached to the front of the cooktop you could put a magnet in/on your knobs and attach contact sensors to your cooktop front, but that could look pretty kludgey....


Plus they then go out of business, and all this investment is to naught.

I wish we could split this discussion out to a separate thread -- this is interesting and I want to know more about your solution. The other day my wife and found that we left the small burner (on our gas stove) on low for 2 extra hours, because you can't see the flame around the burner top.

Feel free to hit me up via PM or in another topic, for any questions after you look at the post I linked to. I'll talk about myself endlessly if asked. :wink:

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Wifi enabled.l toilet i could see the.pranks.that would cause.


Or an IoT bidet..... :fountain: :scream:


Motion sensor could even spray people before they sit down. Sorry honey must be a bug in the automations.


I used an Arduino for the automatic flusher, but I can't help but thinking I missed an opportunity to use an ESP8266 to smartify it. I could have turned off auto flushing with a virtual switch when we have guests, sent notifications, auto dispensed treats, tracked flushes, tweaked the code/timing remotely, etc.


How the heck do you teach a cat to do that!? Salmon reward system?

Lots and lots of patience, attention, positive reinforcement, and treats. My wife does not possess such qualities, but I grew up in the country with barn cats and don't care for a litter box. It helps that I work from home. It takes about a month.


Wow...I'm impressed. If I had a cat this is the only way I'd want to go, but that first month would be an adventure... :slight_smile:


I have a hard enough time to get my kids to use the toilet much less the cats


I think you should hire @Equis ... for the kids, not cats. :wink:


We’ve got an LG washing machine with their internet integration. The only thing it’s good for is converting the 2 digit error messages from the front screen into useful English with helpful mitigation instructions.

I still prefer to monitor its power use via an Aeotec outlet to send finished alerts.


My only very minor use-case for having a smart washing machine would be that I like to run additional Rinse+Spin cycles after the main wash. But I wouldn't pay extra for it, the exercise of going up and down the stairs is probably more beneficial than the convenience.


I have a Dome shutoff valve that I was going to use on the main gas supply ball valve. The ball valve will need to be removed and flipped so that project is on hold.

Perhaps you could do something similar to shut off the gas.