I can get it to be discovered, but only as an Unknown device.
This is using the latest firmware
I only have 2 other Zwave devices so far, they're all GE Z-wave plus switches.
I have tried rebooting my hubitat as well as get the two devices very close. Right now they're about 4 ft apart.
Any ideas on what to try?
On the lock, if it's discovered as a device you should be able to replace it with the generic zwave lock driver.
It should work, let me know about that, then we can get the device fingerprint included in the driver for the next customer.
On the switches have you tried a factory reset on them?
Did try resetting as part of adding them... didn't help.
However, I didn't realize I could just change the type. That solved my problem!
Can you take a screen shot of the very bottom of the driver details page?, I'm looking for the data section, thanks.
I got mine to pair but that's all I got. Can't add codes, lock or unlock and there is no battery status either.
deviceType: 1
zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
inClusters: 0x72,0x86,0x98
deviceId: 1
manufacturer: 144
Can't delete current codes either
With debug logging enabled, clicking refresh doesn't do anything?
Nope. Nothing in the logs either for a refresh or configure
It paired, then went away...
So it lost connection ?
I need to repair it again ?
When you paired it was it and the hub in their final locations?
IT's only 30 feet from the hub. Didn't think it would be a issue.
You could try a repair, make sure the lock node shows up in the list of repaired devices.
It never repaired node 50. It stopped at Node 42 so it missed a few zwave devices.
sys:12018-11-09 17:22:15.101:infoFinished Z-Wave Network Repair
sys:12018-11-09 17:22:04.563:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair is done.
sys:12018-11-09 17:22:04.553:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair is requesting node neighbor info
sys:12018-11-09 17:22:04.552:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair is adding return route
sys:12018-11-09 17:22:04.551:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair is deleting routes
sys:12018-11-09 17:22:04.550:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair is requesting device associations
sys:12018-11-09 17:21:55.583:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair is updating neighbors
sys:12018-11-09 17:21:54.921:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair setting SUC route
sys:12018-11-09 17:20:20.166:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair setting SUC route
sys:12018-11-09 17:20:19.812:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair pinging
sys:12018-11-09 17:20:19.811:traceZ-Wave Node 42: Repair starting
Missed 43, 45, 46, 48 and 50
Well shit.. I get status if I use the lock to program codes, lock/unlock but not the other way. Seems the lock is communicating only 1 way.
So I programmed slot 3 manually at the lock keypad and tested the code and it worked. Went back to the device and clicked on retrieve codes. New code did not show up and using the new code I got this in in the logs.
dev:12502018-11-09 17:51:40.524:infoBack Door Lock was unlocked by unknown codeNumber: null[19-a]