Can't enter email to change admin account

Need to change the admin account on one of the hubs I have been supporting. I go to, login, select registered hubs, select hub details. It appears there is the place to change the admin account. But it won't let me enter a email (current guest account) to change to.

Says subscriptions must be cancelled first. But I don't want the subscriptions to be cancelled for any of my other hubs. The only thing on this one is remote access using my account which I use for the other hubs also.

What do I need to do?

Edit: To clarify I need to stay on as a guest and still have remote access.


A few things. You cannot replace the admin with an active guest account. First, you'd need to remove the guest, then replace the admin with it.

Now, since the subscription is linked to the current admin account, and the store cannot be updated, you will not be able to replace the admin until the active subscription expires. If you remove the admin account now, you will no longer be able to manage the subscription in the future. One alternative is to cancel the subscription, then create a subscription case and provide the new admin email address and we will update the admin account for you, from our end: Subscriptions – Hubitat Support

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Just to get clear in my mind.

Currently I am admin on 4 hubs. (Actually 5, but one of them is not being used anymore). With remote admin on my account I have remote access to all of the hubs. I have hub protect on 2 of the hubs.

One of the hubs is actually owned by someone else. I just set it up and maintain it. The idea was to transfer admin to the owner and she was going to get hub protect on it in her name. But I still need remote access to maintain it.

So apparently I can't do that? I would have to keep me as admin and subscripe to hub protect that way? Or would I still have remote access as a guest account?

Guest accounts have access to admin services, but cannot enable a service for someone else. A guest cannot be the subscriber, only the admins can.

I understand that. But as a guest account that has remote admin subscription will still have remote admin on that particular hub?

And regards to cancelling subscription to change the admin will that only cancel it on the one hub?

No, only the admin on the hub can have active subscriptions.

Sorry to be such a pest, just trying to figure out the best way to handle this.

Ok, that is fine. But if the new admin subscribes to remote admin and hub protect then the hub has remote access. If I am a guest and logged into as that guest account will i have the remote admin access. I don't need to administer the subscriptions, the owner can take care of all that.

But if I cancel the subscription then I no longer have access to change the admin. I am about 3 hours away from that location.

Maybe I'm over complicating this.

If I go to hub details from
Cancel the subscription. Question here is that only on that hub?? If not then this won't work. I certainly don't want it cancelled on my other hubs
Remove her as guest.
Change admin to her account.
Ask her to sign up for remote admin/hub protect.
Have her as new admin, readd me as guest.

Does that sound plausible?

You cannot cancel Remote Admin on individual hubs. Just make sure that her hub isn't the hub you signed up for Remote Admin. Go to then select Subscriptions. On the Subscriptions page click view next to Remote Admin service:

On the subscription details page identify the hub id and make sure is not her hub, if it is, you'd be cancelling the service for all of your hubs:

When I signed up for remote admin, it was NOT on her hub. But to change the admin on her hub I have to cancel the subscription and based on what you said that it can't be cancelled on just one hub. So it would be cancelled on all my hubs? Irregardless of which hub was used to sign up on.

Or am I not understanding correctly again? Probably the case.

Send me her hub id in a private message, I'll help you get everything squared away.

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