Can't discover hub

It's now showing as connected but getting the same errors. Most of the stuff you want me to look at... i can't find in the routers dashboard, and I'm digging into the advanced menu.

your on a mac right? lets try this.... me and macs dont really get along but hey what the heck lol

goto the apple menu and settings then terminal.

run the following command to reset your computers DNS cache

dscacheutil -flushcache

Your not running a VPN by chance are you? i always forget about those...

No VPN... that's a headache i can't deal with! Flushed the cache... trying again.

another possibility! Anti-virus/anti-malware software will sometime alter your network settings. so if all else has failed try disabling those temporarily. After that the only other thing i can think of right now would be if your hosts file has been altered, but thats unlikely as well.

I'm getting a "waiting for available socket" message, then the same error. No virus or malware software (Mac) and very careful...

ok so flushing cache got you further then before then correct?

I'll hang on for support. I really, really, appreciate you're trying to help and getting me some of the way there. It's finding the hub fast, just doesn't want to connect to the account.

or is that the same as before and you just didnt mention the socket part lol

Only just saw the socket part :slight_smile:

try flushing your browsers cache and cookies

I'll do that on the other computer... this one is deep in research for some writing I'm doing.

do you have any extensions installed in your browsers?

Oh f________... yes. Adblock... But not on this Chrome browser I think.

sometimes extensions can cause problems... Like i said I used to do tech support... Im not out of ideas yet lol

Lol. I'm starting to think it is router... I'm trying this one two different computers, one so new i haven't fully got all my stuff on it yet.

also i missed a command a min ago in the terminal for clearing the dns. gotta kill the process afterwards, sorry like i said macs are not my strong area

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

then reboot

do that on the spare computer, not the research one obviously :slight_smile:

it is possible. but if it is its likely a setting with the DNS etc... give me a few. im going to pull up your routers manual so i can point you to settings to check there

I think I got you.... give me a min or two to finish reading :wink:

Take your time. You're helping me and I'm not going to bed anytime soon and writing an article.

alright so of course your router has had multiple revisions using the exact same name and model.

From my research these routers are known to have some issues with internal DNS. There are a couple potential ways we can resolve this.

The first is we can check if their is a firmware update available for your router, as if there is it may fix it (again hard to tell which actual router you have)

If there isnt an update, or there is and it doesn't fix it then we are going to assign a static IP addy to your hubitats mac and then reboot your router, forcing it to assign a set IP which should let us bypass the DNS lookup issue entirely.

Do you know how to check the router for a firmware update or how to set a static ip? if not let me know and ill do my best to walk you through each