Cannot add any Z-Wave to a new C-8 Pro

Seems as though they are not talking. I used an Aeotec Range Extender 6 (rainbow flashing) so I know it was not paired to anything. Tried to exclude and it flashed green for a while then solid red for a few seconds. No errors or other message from the hub.

If you haven't tried this already, try completely rebooting the Z-Wave radio by:

  1. Shutting down the hub from Settings > Shut Down.
  2. Unplugging the hub from wall power after the LED turns red.
  3. Wait at least 30 seconds, then plug the hub back into power to restart.

If the shut down dance does not work then next thing I would try is a Z-Wave radio reset.

Use the diagnostic tool in the Advanced menu to reset the radio.

Also, just thought of this...

what is your power source for the hub?

That would explain your issues with the C-8 and now the C-8 Pro.


I have tried all of that. Hub power cycle, radio reset from the diagnostics tool, disabling and enabling the radio. Nothing seems to work.

How are you powering the hub -- see second part of Jeff's post directly above...

With a POE adapter. I can try USBC PSU directly.

And we have a winner....
That is your problem with both hubs.

Also, do not use a USB-C block and C to C cord. That often does not work because the port on the hub does not negotiate for power. You will want to use a USB-A block and A to C cord (like what comes with the hub).


If the uav power doest resolve your issue, I would check the antenna as on of mine was broken cause issues. A good test would be to try and pair a zwave unit <10cm from the hub as when my unit was having pairing issues and before I had found the antenna broken it would achieve successful pairing.
P.s I use poe to power my old c8 (replaced with c8pro) which is only handling zwave devices upstairs and after 3 weeks seems to be stable (GS748TPS Netgear POE Switch 28 zwave device, 11 poe)

Had nothing to do with the power. It turns out that the LiftMaster gateway was interfering. I moved it away and things started working again.


There are known issues with PoE power so if you have any other zwave problems try a normal supply. There have also been certain PoE splitters that work fine so maybe you have one of the good ones.

Understood. I tried the in box PSU, and still had problems, so I started looking at other things.

This particular splitter seems to be ok. I compared it to the inbox PSU with a power meter just in case it was on the margin. Also made sure my PoE port could supply more than 12w.

There's a wonderful post with information about the POE issue here. The reason for the problems with some POE supplies is laid out quite expertly. Worth a few moments of your time... :slightly_smiling_face:


The power meter you are using (I have one) is insufficient to view issues associated with running the C8 with a PoE adapter.


Voltages on that splitter must be stable enough to keep zwave happy at least. It’s working for now anyway and if it goes downhill OP knows the first thing to check.

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Sure sounds like a RF desense issue on the 900MHz band with those splitters. Sounds like 2.4G is not impacted which would be Zigbee and WiFi?

I originally had an inexpensive PoE splitter on my C8 hub. I don't use Z-Wave for much, but I did pair an old Z-Wave switch to see if the PoE splitter was causing issues. I found that I could pair the Z-Wave switch without issue, and even control it reasonably well. However, every now and then, manually turning it on and off from the hub repeatedly, I could discern a delay. Now this is with just one Z-Wave node, in the same room as the HE hub. I switched to the USB Power Supply that came with the hub, and those seemingly random delays disappeared. I then purchased one of the PoE splitters tested by @dennypage, hooked it up, and ran the same test. Everything worked properly.

Thus, I am a believer that there is a difference in PoE splitter quality, voltage/current stability, etc... I really do not believe it is an RF interference issue being caused by the PoE splitter, as I have a bunch of the inexpensive ones still in very close proximity to the hub. Those splitters are not causing any issues.


FWIW, I saw no evidence of rf interference in my testing.


I'm not talking about radiated RF interference from the splitter. I'm talking about power supply noise EMI coupling internally with the RF system. We have folks at work that measure that, so I'll ask them if they have an easy way to evaluate one of the splitters.

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If that's the case, then something like this on the USB power connector coming out of the splitter might help on the better splitters.

I tested my original splitter with a balun, which did not help. This was discussed in another thread.

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