There are conflicting reports about those Iris Smart Outlets and ZWave. No question they are good for Zigbee.. the controversy is only on the ZWave side, and it's polar opposites: some say they work great, others say they cause a lot of "noise" on the mesh.
Me, I can close my eyes and invent a story that winds through both data points: Small ZWave networks, that have plenty of headroom for "noise packets" think they are great. More dense ZWave networks, that are already seeing the occasional collision/retransmit (aka slow downs that suddenly catch up everything)
cannot handle the extra traffic and the "noise" harms more than the good it does as a repeater. Probably because a dense network already has enough repeaters.
That's a complete work of fiction, but leans on the two datapoints we have. 
Locks are special creatures and must join securely and then, because they are battery BUT also direct human interfaces, the ZWave spec has special features added on. First is Whisper Join in which the lock lowers it's transmit power to the point where a hub must be very close.. a foot away to 3 feet, some say 5 feet. This feature is only used during a Join so that the encryption keys cannot be "overheard."
Second is Beaming and it is a AC powered device that will assist a battery device nearby. At a high level, it "stores" the commands being sent to a Lock, and then does all the work of retransmitting it in the hopes of catching the Lock when it wakes in it's save the battery cycle.
A specific Lock can use one or both, but shouldn't use none.
Try to join it normally first. If you have a beaming device nearby and it doesn't demand Whisper, you're good! IF that doesn't work, assume Whisper and move the hub and lock close... not touching, try 1 ft, 3 ft.
If that doesn't work, I'd really suggest 'hitting the books' and look up the devices surrounding the Lock's location and verify you have a functional beaming device within 12 ft. (Less if there are obstructions, such as walls, doors, mirrors, metal duct work, etc.) Of course, best to lookup the Lock too and verify it supports beaming.
and then for Iris: