I’m a long time smartthings user that hosed in the recent debacle, am trying to move to Hubitat. I successfully added some door locks and another GoControl gdo (older model), but cannot successfully pair the gd00z-8-gc.
I’ve tried with and without security, I’ve done a soft reset to the hub, reset zwave radio, still same thing.
My sequence is:
Factory reset gocontrol.
Exclude it.
Include it - it gives one beep, then after ~5 seconds gives three beeps like inclusion is successful.
Hubitat shows “ The device is completing bootstrapping and no further action is needed. It will show up below once bootstrapping has completed.
Found a Z-Wave device, initializing...”
And then it just times out the 100 second inclusion.
There’s a ghost device in the z-wave devices section, device class is “ SPECIFIC_TYPE_SECURE_BARRIER_ADDON”, device type has a blue “discover” button.
I’ve looked at others that have issues, but haven’t found anything concrete to do. I’ve tried both with and without security four or five times.
Barrier devices like locks and Garage Door Openers must be included with Security.. so don't spend any effort hoping it will work If it doesn't join securely, then the symptoms you mention are the result. It's not supposed to work if there's no security.
The Discover button is the hub recognizing that it didn't get all the way done... click it. For battery devices you'd have to also click the Include button. Your GDO is powered and thus Discover should work... although it wouldn't be something I would not try if it was my GDO.
You need to see
that "zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true" is there for you.
You can try getting the lock closer to the opener, or vice-versa, and then start pairing. Secure devices like locks and garage door openers can be difficult to pair when farther away from the hub. Might be easier to move the garage door opener closer to the hub for the pairing...
I’ve tried 4-5 times with security selected. It requested a 5 digit prefix from the product label. It does exactly the same as when I try with no security. I’ve tried the “discover” button, did nothing.
I should probably exclude a device and try it using the latest Hub versions just to be able to use the exact words... but it seems you have entered the S2 whirlpool and that there IS a path that doesn't need the code. I think you are correct that it's the no security selection, within S2.
Unfortunately, the same words outside of S2 means S0.
So.. the fact you are getting as far as S2 selection is (obviously) good news and selecting no security, which doesn't need the code is the best answer today. What happens then?? Is that the point where you get the Discover button after timeout? If Yes, did you click discover? You would need to wait a solid minute to know if it succeeded.
The ghost entry looks identical if I do inclusion with security, or without security.
Pressing “discover” does nothing, even after several minutes. The “stats” column has no data for any of the fields, the security column shows none.
I am using a C8 hub.
Is there any garage door opener that would work reliably? I see Amazon has a different model available, gd00z-4, but that may be a crap shoot…
This time I noticed that when entering the security code, it only too 4 digits, not 5, like there was a space already there. I got it fully entered and it worked this time. I also did the steps danabw suggested.
Thanks for the quick help! Still have a lot of learning to do to rebuild my network.
Just a side note. Barrier devices like locks and garage door openers require security so they won't pair as none. Also at this point post your z-wave details page so we can make sure you didn't create any ghosts..
Thanks for the help/suggestions. I don't think I have any ghosts, I learned about them while attempting to connect the GDO and reset everything and started over. Things went cleanly after I successfully connected to the GoControl.
I have 4 barrier devices: 2 Kwikset locks, and 2 GoControl GDOs. The GoControls are not the same model #. Of the 4 devices, only one connected with S2 security, the others are S0 and didn't give any secure connection options during inclusion.
Is there a way I can somehow force S2 security for these devices?
My only other issue"is that I have an Aeon Multisensor 6 device that is working OK, just a short sample interval, it uses about 25x the hub processing time of any other device. I have downloaded and installed the package manager and csteele's Multisensor6 driver and will see if that can address this. I don't like the logs being flooded with data I care little about, and especially at that frequency.
Let me know if anything looks suspect here, I have all my apps set up and running ok, except for fine tuning some with presence, so far I'm just using Life360 and Hubitat app.
How do I do this? Exclude and re-pair just reconnects with S0 security, no choices given. I vaguely recall ST connecting with full security.
I had the hub about 1 foot away from the lock.
It selects the Schlage FE599/BE369 Lock driver. My locks are Kwikset 914, with ZWave Plus.
Locks must pair with security, I was talking about the zooz 4-in-1 sensors. To pair those without security you will need a z-wave stick temporarily paired to the hub as a secondary controller.
It turns out I have an Aeotec Gen5 z-stick from a failed attempt to move from smartthings to a mac-based platform.
I found there’s a Silabs Mac controller I can download.
I think what I need to do is set up as stick/pc controller on my Mac.
Pair the stick with Hubitat with no security.
Then go add the zooz devices to the z-stick, and they’ll pair without security.
How do I move the zooz from the z-stick back to Hubitat?
The ZWave Controller software (which is more or less a "plug-in" for SiLabs Simplicity Studio) is NOT Mac compatible. You'll need a PC emulator, such as Parallels or VirtualBox to use it.