Can larger firmware 'jumps' cause issues?

Hi all,

Just a point that has been playing on my mind...

I'm a proud C7 owner and have settled on firmware as it seems to be stable and do everything that I need it to do (at least so far).

But obviously as the months have gone by I have noticed a significant number of FW upgrades which now mean I'm quite a way 'behind' on the update ladder...

This got me thinking as to whether this could cause issues if I ever did decide to update (which is quite probable at some point), I guess my question is could doing such a large firmware 'jump' ever cause problems? Vs. a more steady, incremental update path?

The number that popped from my head is 3.

I think I remember reading that Hubitat tests backwards "3 versions". The current version is 2.3.5, which means you're behind only one version. If the next version is 2.3.6 then you'd be two behind and making a plan to upgrade would be on my list.


@mabstrategy Staff always recommends being on the latest version for bug fixes and feature updates. While there isn't anything wrong with staying where you are, you do miss out on some things. It's rare that an update breaks something but when it does, it's easy enough to roll back and wait for the fix.


Does not typically cause problems once you get updated, but other users have had a fight to actually get the update to install when they are multiple major versions behind. Possibly due to back end changes, not sure. I just know it comes up every once and a while, usually people that are way back on 2.2.9 or lower and trying to update.

If you want to update less often, I would just wait for the updates to slow down / stop which means they are done with the current branch and working on the next major update. Then you would only need to update once every major version, which is around every 1-2 months.


Thanks all, looks like I'll update soon then to avoid potential future issues. And yes, I suppose I could always roll-back if anything breaks.

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That is the same thing I have observed, they struggle to update at some point when way out of date.

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It is very common in the professional world to stay one version behind the current release. This ensures that you don't have patch exhaustion and typically stays within a safe window of upgrades and normally allows for continuing security updates (very important).

I understand the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' mentality, but there are limits to regression testing, which puts you in a bad position if not maintaining close parity...and security should be always your concern.



i had similar concerns when the C8 and associated firwmare came out.
Many users experienced problems with the updated system and i held back (though i think most people got sorted with the help from these forums)
I was advised that if its working and is stable there is no real need to update so have followed this-

We are not missing security updates like a PC/Mac OS, just additional functionality or new drivers for devices, is how i understand it. I would rather avoid any potential headache trying to fix something and wish i'd left it alone. (if it aint broke dont fix it)

So do these updates contain security patches, or just Driver updates/feature enhancements etc?

There is very little "security" patches as it's really not a vector for hacking...Updates are bug fixes and features primarily.

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