New to Hue. Hue bridge integration running well. Switch connected to Hue bridge. Can I get Hue switch events directly into Hubitat or do I have to watch the light they control? I’m not seeing how to get the switch to show in the Hue integration app.
Would it be possible to have the Hue switch connected directly to a hub and bridge at the same time?
Do the Hue accessories pair well with a hub?
My understanding is bulbs should be paired with the Hue bridge and the bridge connected to the hub.
The built-in hue integration is primarily for controlling lights from within HE, with the expectation that you configure any scenes within HE and/or utilize sensors and controllers paired with HE, even in addition to automations configured on the hue bridge. It has been this way almost from the beginning.
The recommendation to pair bulbs and accessories to the bridge, I believe, is primarily for older models that I think pre-date the zigbee 3.0 varieties, as there were some differences in the way they would relay messages to other devices in the mesh if paired with HE. I still have mine paired to my bridge.
Some time ago now @bertabcd1234 developed Coco-Hue and @armand developed Advanced Hue Bridge Integration to, amongst other things, allow control of scenes defined on the bridge.
In recent times Philips have developed a new API that both @bertabcd1234 and @armand have made use of to receive events from the hue bridge when, amongst other things, a button controller is pressed or a motion sensor is activated. This allows what you are wanting to see, the press of a button for a device paired with the hue bridge to come through to HE for use in automations.
I'd suggest taking a look at these integrations.
There's lots of ways to do things. . . I installed the 4 button dimmer in HE, and use it in a the Button Controller app. It's not as fluid as having it in the Hue hub, but I wanted to do something out of character with it. I first installed it directly into HK, but in HE it was much easier to customize.
Thanks, I appreciate the info.
I’m running Node Red so am going to give node-red hue magic a try first.
Ended up using node red hue magic fork.
Works really well with Hue. I can see all the buttons and dials well. All my automations are in Node Red so a direct link to the Hue bridge is better.
Now all I need is a flow that physically turns on the lights after my wife forgets and turns them off.
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