Can I embed photo data in a Dashboard instead of creating a linking to a photo file?

I recently replaced my router and, now my dashboard no longer shows the pictures that I had included in the dashboard. I found that, when you add a photo to a dashboard, it inserts a link to where your photo is stored. My new router setup has changed addresses and therefore has messed up the links to my photos. To avoid this in the future, I would like to get rid of the links and store the actual photo data as part of the dashboard file. This would make the dashboards more portable.

No. Here is how I handle images for dashboards.

I store my icons and background images on my hub. They are still links, but it is less likely I will have to change the IP of my hub. I make sure to minimize the size of all image files to minimize the storage requirements.


These will only be available locally though, unless you some way to reference them in a cloud accessed dashboard....?

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I haven't read all the details, but this may be worth a look:

@edvan11 Why not just make the subnet on the new router the same as the old router?


That is a way to accomplish "embedding" images. I had kind of thought about that, but I wasn't sure if the OP wanted to "see how deep the rabbit hole goes."


Thanks for your quick response. I would try it, but it sounds a little beyond my technical comfort zone. I think I will just fix the broken links to the photos and try not to upgrade my router again.


When you want to try the other pill, just let us know... :wink:

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Setting up the new router the same as my old router makes a lot of sense. But unfortunately I didn't anticipate this problem when I started to set up the new router and also, I had not properly documented my old router setup.
So here is a lesson learned for readers of this posting. Keep accurate and up-to-date records of your setup's and do not trust your memory. In my case I was working on the hubitat smart home setup and was trying to keep records on random pieces of paper and in my mind when a family member was diagnosed with a serious medical condition. A year and a half later when she successfully complete chemo and recovered from numerous side effects of the treatment, my random pieces of paper and my network setup memories are long gone. So, the moral of this story is, keep accurate notes of what you are doing in a bound notebook. And don't wait until tomorrow to make entries into you notebook.


Or cut yourself some slack and enjoy the successful completion of the chemo treatment. A smart home is nice, but there are some more important things in life... IMHO...


Glad they're all right now. Do you still have access to your old router by chance?