C8 z-wave device and inclusion failures

Gonna try something... firing up yet another C8 (glad I have a few extras) and try the ecolink on a C8 that has never had a migration.

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OK so here's a summary of my testing. I have several HE7s and several HE8s.

On the original HE7 I had an ecolink contact sensor that was working fine and had been for 2 years - since March 0f '21. HE7 had maybe 90 zigbee and 70 z-wave devices. I migrated the HE7 to HE8-1. Most devices show direct connection to the hub at 100kbps. The contact sensor shows the same. After a couple weeks the contact sensor stopped reporting. As an example - other devices failed as well. I tried to exclude the contact sensor from HE8-1 and it failed to exclude.

I have a handful of z-wave devices on a C7 hub called HEC7-2. These are devices that have failed on HEC8-1 so I've added them to HEC7-2 and they work fine. I include the ecolink contact sensor on HEC7-2 and it works fine. There are now four devices on HEC7-2 and they all work.

Then I decide to do a migration from HEC7-2 to a C8 named HEC8-3. I do that from a cloud backup that happens not to have the ecolink sensor on it. There are now 3 migrated Z-wave devices on HEC8-3 and they all appear to work. So I decide to re-add the ecolink contact sensor. I try to use the freshly migrated HEC8-3 to exclude it. No go.

I then fire up the z-wave radio on another C7. HEC7-4. I am able to exclude, include, exclude, include, etc the ecolink on the C7 no problem. I exclude it one more time and try to re-include it on the newly migrated HEC8-2. Nope. Won't include.

But wait, it gets more interesting. I fire up a third C8, HEC8-2. This hub has never had a migration done to it. Imagine my surprise when I am able to exclude and include the ecolink contact sensor without any issues.

So... the issue with the ecolink contact sensor and the C8 occurs only on a C8 that has been through migration.

Now I go to my recently migrated HEC8-2, reset the z-wave radio then try the contact sensor again. What I found in this round of testing is that simply zapping the z-wave radio of a previously migrated hub does NOT allow you to include the eco link devices. You have to do a soft reset as well. But once the z-wave radio is reset AND the database is reset... sure enough I can include the eco link contact sensor without any problems.

@bobbyd maybe someone can make sense the above - I sure can't! But it is reproducible.


Thank you @brad5, that's extremely helpful. Maybe this will help narrow down what's going on. I do believe I saw in another thread they (Hubitat) were having issues reproducing what some of us are seeing.

I guess one other test, if you have one, would be starting on a C5 and migrating up to a C8 and see if the same issues occur.

Sorry no I don't have a C5...

And yeah I first reported z-wave issues to Hubitat about 6 weeks ago. They were never able to reproduce the issue. Maybe this will help narrow it down. In the mean time I am going to keep the second C8 z-wave radio up and running and try to move some of my other problematic devices to it. At least I will get some relief from the issues I've been having,

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have a z-stick you can include on any of them? wonder if there's some weird relic on the migrated ones...

Been having the same issue with a z-wave stick and getting it to include!

Just replicated the same issue with an Aeotec range extender 7. Was paired to HEC8-1, the migrated C8. Couldn't exclude it. Tried the non-migrated C8-2, unpaired and re-paired almost instantly.

Tried a ring keypad - would not include at all. Shut down the C8-2, powered off for a minute, powered back on... it got as far as setting up S2 security and then did only a partial inclusion. There are only three devices on here. My iPhone, an eco link contact sensor, and an Aeotec range extender 7. That's it.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.


When you say you restore from a backup, is this from a local db file or from the cloud, which has radio info on it (I think I read)?

Cloud. Restored the z-wave radio and the hub databases. Basically a migration.

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These are z-wave failures. The hue motion sensors are zigbee.

Oooops. I'll delete my dumb-a$$ post.

Hey it's ok... at least you had a suggestion!


Mesh is now unstable. Just crashed again tonight. Can’t control hard wired switches. :frowning: having to power down and wait then back up to get working again.

If we all did that half the content of this site would disappear. :wink:


Interesting... I have a second C8 (unmigrated) set up with just a few z-wave devices to see what's up. The ring keypad, aeotec extender, and the C8 are all within 10 feet of each other. And yet that Ring keypad is rerouting a lot!

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Z-wave routing sometimes defies all logic...I had a switch in the room w/the hub routing through two other devices before going to the hub. DOH, you silly switch, the hub is right there five feet away from you!! :scream:

I my case it seems the same. Everything will work err okay by the end of the day. Next morning its like ground hog day, and we start over.

Another interesting thing, when I connect my Zwave stick to the hub I don't see all the devices in the Zwave DB. It sees about 30 of the 70 or so that are included in the network. Not sure about that either.

Maybe not a C8 issue, as others reported that issue before the C8 was released.

Could be more about a change in the PC Controller, maybe.

You are not alone! I am seeing precisely the same behavior both with the overnight issue and the Zwave stick issue.

This morning I happened to be up at 2am and many Zwave devices were offline - aeotec motion sensors, ring security keypad, etc. By 5am they appeared to be back online. (My backups are scheduled for 3am). This corresponds with a spike in CPU just after 2am.

There’s still something happening overnight that is not helping my mesh at all.

Zwave stick issues are similar. I can connect to a C7 no issues. Try the same thing on a C8 and it’s really tough to include - and once I do many times I see only a portion of devices.

I have moved some of my critical workloads back to C7 and its z-wave mesh (though now much smaller) is rock solid, as it always was for me.

Since you are seeing what seems to be same thing I am I guess we are left with a question or two. How long can we wait for the developers to identify and push a fix? I'm sure they will find one. Or do you do a Zwave reset and build it back from scratch, not really my idea of fun.

I'm really hoping for a fix from the devs.