C8 vs C8 pro, differences?

There are always multiple ways to look at things right? I; like most of you, would love to see more enhancements but it is called C8 Pro so it seems their intent was for it to be a minor vs major version release. From the perspective of a new person entering the home automation arena they are getting a device that has twice the memory and a .5ghz faster processor for only an increase of $10 more in 1 year in today's inflation. I think that speaks volumes to Hubitat for all their efforts for only $10 a unit. I know of of phone manufacture who has release 3 Major releases of phones with more memory, faster processor, and of course a better camera resolution and was WAY MORE than $10 dollars LOL.

So for folks new to Hubitat to get this equipment for only $10 more than 1 year ago ....great deal in my opinion.

For most of us (myself included) always hungry for more, I am pretty sure they know there is a group of us willing to pay more for:

  • Poe
  • More power Captain
  • Serious memory 4gb, 8gb
  • Serious processor
  • Heck, I will put in my wish list for built in battery backup with auto shut down on loss of commercial power (I have the option of
    using the open / close switch) but built-in would be much more predictable and stable
  • Re write the os to leverage multi-threaded dual-processors, you get the idea
  • out lists could go on and on

Building a pro box and paying $400-500 for it would mean you may only have to buy one every 3,4.5 years. I am instead of buying one every year. I would be in. But again this is easy for me to design in the sky.

It would be ideal if they could provide a standard version and a pro version for those who want to pay for it. Providing choices is always a good thing but...there is always a cost to everything :slight_smile:

Thanks for your time. Wishing you the best of health. Be safe,


Honestly, it was taking a week to hear back and I didn't want to go without home control for that long, so I figured I'd be better off just spending a couple hours catching the system up. Now, however, it would take far more than a couple hours. It would be great if Hubitat could spell this out in a blog post or website entry (IMHO).

Okay, I've reviewed all the rants and advice in this thread and figured it was time for me to chime in. Thankfully I held off on getting a C8 and made do with my C5 and C7 connected via hub mesh. My C5 is heavily loaded and needs a reboot every so often, so I'm ready to upgrade to the C8 Pro. I didn't upgrade to the C8 because I saw so many issues posted on this forum about it. My instincts paid off so now I'm ready. I have the protection service on my C5 hub so I'm assuming I can migrate over my setup without redoing everything. Can someone confirm that? Will my subscription migrate from the C5 to my new C8 Pro or will I need to cancel it and buy a new one once I migrate? My second hub, which is a C7, is lightly loaded and has rock solid performance, so I will leave that one alone. I'm super happy with it.

[EDIT] I just poured over the migration documentation, and find it not accurate and confusing. There is no "Backup Now" button on the cloud backup tab as it says. And I disabled my cloud apps and did a backup, and it still doesn't show up in the migration ready backup list. Until I get this sorted out I won't upgrade. Any help appreciated.


Yeah, no, my point was that the hubitat folks just can't win...

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True. I’m glad they released a more powerful hub, now I just have to sneak it past my wife! :rofl:




I first have to say that I really try to refrain from being negative when I post.

There that is my disclaimer.

What a big bunch of babies (said with affection, like Bernadette from the Big Bang)

People have been begging for more mhz and more ram for years. So they have made it available. That is awesome.

If you don’t need it, take a pass.

Have you ever bought a video card??? Omg. Here is the TI, no I mean the TI Super.

The cpu frequency uplift was most likely due to process node maturity coupled with under volting. Good job HE, taking advantage of more performance per watt. Will it be noticeable with 1.5% or lower cpu load? Absolutely not except like high intensity operations like boot up.

2x ram. Well in my use case I don’t need it. I have issues when my hub falls below 220mb free. The latest release of sw mostly fixed the memory leak so I am ok with what I have.

But three of my windows machines have 32gb and one has 64gb. Do I need it? Absolutely not. Does it hurt. Absolutely not.

Ok my son is doing game dev and needs the 64gb. Different topic.

I have resisted the C8 so far. I have a C7 with the antenna mod and two C5s all meshed. I am good.

BUT I just warned my wife (no lie) that I will be buying a new C8 if/when they go on sale. Do I need one today or tomorrow? Absolutely not.

Ok. I am done my little rant.

But one more thing.

Shame on HE staff for simply putting out a pic showing what the new hub has and not respecting their community to at least tell us what they have improved and why. No they would rather have these type of threads where it’s a big puzzle to solve. They want to create the drama!!

Nothing like respecting your community.


That's a bit harsh. Let's assume good intentions, it probably was just an oversight.


No I am not. I am actually being nice to them. I have been on here for four years and previous behaviour predicts future behaviour.

I am from Canada and I spell it that way.

Here is an example where @bravenel could have been a lot more verbose but opted not to.

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How did you make this dashboard?

Well, that's just @bravenel, a man of few words. That's how he rolls.

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This works up to a point... sure nobody is forcing your hand to buy every cycle....but we all know there are eventually "little gotchas" that pop up if you lag behind too far. This is especially true when you are talking about the MIX of hub generations AND device generations ...and it is liable to get worse before it gets better as the market makes some big transitions.

Furthermore, there has been OUTSTANDING accomplishments in system compatibility/continuity across the C-versions we know ...but I'm betting by C-10 (if not before) that isn't going to be sustainable in some major ways....in fact it may be a drag on a small development team to try to keep it so.

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But not the underlying issues..

I was a little disappointed when i a got my C8 a few months ago and it didn't have improved performance over the C7 (other than the antennas, which are great!)
I have a ton of devices and if I try run something like Color Palette or Holiday lighting, everything else starts to chug or skip commands. I was even starting to flirt with Homey Pro. So the new C8 Pro does appeal to me.
But I fell like I just shelled out for an upgrade, and now I don't think I can convince my wife to let me upgrade again.
I wonder if I can get a performance boost by linking the C7 back into the mesh.

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Hubitat.com states 168,95 EUR. Where come the 229 EUR from?

With the excellent Hubitat Information driver by @thebearmay

I suspect that doesn’t include VAT or import duties.

Here in Australia, it’ll be $328 Aussie micro pesos delivered, assuming you don’t get hit with import duties.

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The price shown at hubitat’s site doesn’t include EU duty taxes.

The 229€ is found here:

It’s a company located in Poland, where all taxes are included, including duty taxes.

They also offer two years warranty.


I'll bring down as many Hubs at US cost as you ask for the next time we are down in your back yard. Do you think it would look suspicious if I had an entire suitcase full of C9's!? :smiley:


Sounds like a plan to me! :metal: