There are always multiple ways to look at things right? I; like most of you, would love to see more enhancements but it is called C8 Pro so it seems their intent was for it to be a minor vs major version release. From the perspective of a new person entering the home automation arena they are getting a device that has twice the memory and a .5ghz faster processor for only an increase of $10 more in 1 year in today's inflation. I think that speaks volumes to Hubitat for all their efforts for only $10 a unit. I know of of phone manufacture who has release 3 Major releases of phones with more memory, faster processor, and of course a better camera resolution and was WAY MORE than $10 dollars LOL.
So for folks new to Hubitat to get this equipment for only $10 more than 1 year ago ....great deal in my opinion.
For most of us (myself included) always hungry for more, I am pretty sure they know there is a group of us willing to pay more for:
- Poe
- More power Captain
- Serious memory 4gb, 8gb
- Serious processor
- Heck, I will put in my wish list for built in battery backup with auto shut down on loss of commercial power (I have the option of
using the open / close switch) but built-in would be much more predictable and stable - Re write the os to leverage multi-threaded dual-processors, you get the idea
- out lists could go on and on
Building a pro box and paying $400-500 for it would mean you may only have to buy one every 3,4.5 years. I am instead of buying one every year. I would be in. But again this is easy for me to design in the sky.
It would be ideal if they could provide a standard version and a pro version for those who want to pay for it. Providing choices is always a good thing but...there is always a cost to everything
Thanks for your time. Wishing you the best of health. Be safe,