C8 unresponsive - initializing 15% updating database

Full Reset is never recommended as it's too destructive and rarely solves any problems. We've seen several incidents starting with 2.3.8 and were able to recover 100% of the hubs. There is a "perfect storm" scenario at play that makes recovery more difficult. The hub reports a database corruption and also drops the cloud connection.


@bobbyD I am having the same issue reported by @johnny2678 on my c-7 hub. After soft reset, it is stuck in the Initializing Hub: 15% state. As a result, I never get to the screen to restore the database. I've also done the network reset with no help along with all the steps recommended by @jtp10181 . My hub has been problematic for several weeks requring frequent shutdowns to restore the zwave radio. In the past couple weeks, I started experiencing frequent corrupt database issues so have done many soft resets without issue. But now I cant get past this screen. I bought a c8 pro hub and wish to migrate to it from c7 but am stuck. With over 150 devices and many complex rules, i really dont want to start from scratch

Do you have the hub protect subscription with cloud backups?
How many z-wave and zigbee devices do you have?

Unfortunatley I dont have the hub protect subscription. I dont have the exact count of devices since I can't access that screen but would guess around 80 z-wave, 50 zigbee, and 30+ virtual devices

Ouch... yeah, don't do a full reset or anything drastic. Unless you want to possibly re-join all the zwave devices. One other person reported they did a full reset which worked and somehow the zwave radio was not reset. Either a bug in the full reset or they got really lucky.

Hopefully HE can do some sort of patched diagnostic tool that will recover this, and push it out to your hub somehow.

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Yes sir! I'm hoping so as well. Thanks.

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If I loaded the c7 backup to the new c8 hub, would I retain all of my rules, dashboards, apps, and drivers? I know I would have to re-pair all of the devices, but mostly don't want to start over with the other things. @gopher.ny @Hubitat_Staff @bobbyD

If I can use the c7 backup but something is corrupt within it, will I continue to have the same issues that I described?

Full Reset didn't work :frowning: That process is so destructive, it wipes everything on the hub. It would be like you are taking the hub out of the box for the first time.

I am sending you a private message to get more details about your hub.

Yes you could try restoring a local backup on the C8, I would make sure it is updated to current platform first. It will either work or it wont, I cannot imagine it would make anything worse? There would be additional critical steps for Z-wave devices as well.

  • Zigbee - just pair devices to new hub and they will assume the old device and work as they did before
  • ZWave - before including anything you need to go into every single device page of the old z-wave devices carried over and edit the DNI to avoid collisions when adding new devices.
    • Edit DNI and add something like _OLD to every one
    • Add "OLD" to the name of every one as well to identify later in the swap apps list
    • Include devices to mesh again one by one following next steps
    • Use Settings > Swap Apps to move the apps to the new device
    • Delete the old devices

Thanks @jtp10181 . If unable to resolve through @bobbyD, I will give this a shot!

I have the same issue, tried soft reset, platform changes etc. either stuck at 15% or hub loads after a soft reset with a message that states it has a corrupted database. feels like something is wrong with the hub internal storage system. At a loss to the issue and frustrated that I have nothing working for a couple of days. thoughts @bobbyD ?

You can PM your Hub UID (Settings> Hub Details) to Bobby so he/HE staff can check your engineering logs for any clues.


Thanks, sent PM to @bobbyD

Instructions for how to possibly get un-stuck.


Wished I would have been notified by Hubitat staff when this announcement and fix was available on Friday. I went ahead and loaded my backup database to my new c8 pro hub and re-paired all devices (still a work in progress). Did a full reset on the c7 hub.

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It was not a fix that would have helped those already affected by this problem. As of Friday, the only way to resolve the problem was running a Full Reset. Our engineers worked hard this weekend to identify ways to avoid this drastic measure, which triggered this morning announcement.


Easy to miss when you're reading quickly, but the age and date of posts (in hours or days, etc.) is available on the right of each post...as you can see in this case the post aboutt his fix is 5 hours old, posted today, April 29.

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All good here. I appreciate @bobbyD and the community support. I was referencing the announcement which states โ€œA fix was released on Fridayโ€ฆโ€

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Ah. A suggestion... Set the Announcements sub-category to Watching. The signal to noise ratio is very high, very useful.