Does anyone know when this will work, like it did on the C-7, and if not,
- It workson the C8 now - you can join the Hue motion sensors directly to the C8, as Hydro noted. I have two Hue outdoor motion sensors on my C8.
Would spending the money on a Hue Bridge help, and if not,
- Probably only if you wanted to get Hue lights and run them via the Hue integration into HE. One thing about using Hue bulbs on a Hue hub w/HE is they are rock-solid/no problem. I've never used Hue bulbs joined directly to the Hub, so can't comment on that.
Who has a sensor that actually works, and that:
a) has battery life beyond a week (Zooz I am looking at you)
b) does not use some weird-o and expensive battery (Zooz again)
Some good Zigbee motion sensors, all join directly to the HE hub:
- Hue (indoor and outdoor)
- Third Reality (and uses AA or AAA so they last a long time)
- Centralite
- Aeotec (more expensive)
There is also a newer generation of mmWave motion sensors that could be interesting to you if you're just starting out w/your motion sensing hardware. A key benefit is they can handle the use case when you're sitting still in a room, where traditional motion sensors don't work so well: